2nd CfP: Applications of Semantic Technologies AST2009

Call for Papers

AST 2009 - Applications of Semantic Technologies

4th International AST Workshop located at Informatik 2009, Lübeck,
Germany, October 2nd, 2009


Organised in cooperation with the Knowledge Representation Fachgruppe of
the German Informatics Society (GI)
<http://fbki.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/index.php?id=7707> and
the Semantic Technology Institute Germany, STI Germany

==== Deadline for paper submissions: April 26th, 2009 ====

Invited Speaker

Dr. Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research


Semantic Web is a major international research effort with the goal to
make web content available for intelligent knowledge processing. It
draws on standard and novel techniques from various disciplines within
Computer Science, including Knowledge Management, Artificial
Intelligence, Databases, Internet Technology, Software Agents,
eCommerce, etc. The methods and tools developed and integrated for this
purpose – often called Semantic Technologies – are generic and have a
very large application potential outside the domain of the Semantic Web.

Such applications are currently being investigated in various
disciplines within Computer Science, including Ambient Intelligence,
Software Engineering, Cognitive Systems, Corporate Intranets, Knowledge
Management, Bioinformatics, etc. We believe that Semantic Technologies
provide methods and tools which will persist in these and other
application areas for the foreseeable future.

Topics of Interest

This workshop shall bring together researchers and practitioners who
work on applications of Semantic Technologies. It shall further the
cross-fertilization between application areas and aid the technology
transfer from foundational research into practice. The workshop shall
cover diverse application areas of Semantic Technologies, including, but
not limited to, the following.

     * Ambient Intelligence
     * Cognitive Systems
     * Information Integration
     * Multimedia Data Management
     * Software Engineering
     * Service-Oriented Computing
     * Machine Learning
     * eScience
     * Information Extraction
     * Grid Computing
     * Peer-to-Peer Systems
     * eCommerce
     * eGovernment
     * Bioinformatics
     * Digital Libraries
     * Sensor Web
     * Semantic Web for Life Sciences
     * eHealth
     * Social Sciences
     * Mobile Computing
     * and any other application area of Semantic Technologies

Submission and Proceedings

Submissions must not exceed 15 pages (shorter papers are also welcome)
and must comply with the
requirements laid out under

Information on how to submit will be posted on the workshop webpage shortly.

Submissions will be reviewed. Accepted publications will appear as part
of a book, bearing an ISBN number.

Important Dates

     * Deadline for paper submissions: 26th of April, 2009
     * Notification of acceptance: May 25th, 2009
     * Camera-ready versions: June 15th, 2009
     * Workshop: to be determined October 2nd, 2009


Stephan Grimm, FZI Karlsruhe, Germany
Pascal Hitzler, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Programme Committee

Sören Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany
Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany
Bernhard Bauer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Christoph Beierle, University of Hagen, Germany
Stephan Bloehdorn, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
François Bry, University of Munich, Germany
Johannes Busse, ontoprise GmbH, Germany
Elmar Dorner, SAP AG, Germany
Andreas Friesen, SAP AG, Germany
Thomas Fuhr, Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, 
Gerhard Goos, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Jens Hartmann, encoway GmbH Bremen, Germany
Gabriele Kern-Isberner, University of Dortmund, Germany
Harald Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
Daniel Krause, L3S Hannover, Germany
Holger Lausen, seekda GmbH, Austria
Thorsten Liebig, University of Ulm, Germany
Luc Moreau, University of Southampton, UK
Meenakshi Nagarajan, Wright State University Dayton Ohio, USA
Daniel Oberle, SAP AG, Germany
Ulrich Reimer, University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Stefan Schlobach, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Germany
Michael Sintek, DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
Robert Tolksdorf, FU Berlin, Germany
Valentin Zacharias, FZI Karlsruhe, Germany
Guo-Qiang Zhang, CWRU Cleveland Ohio, USA
Jürgen Ziegler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The event is supported by

NeOn         http://www.neon-project.org/
THESEUS      http://theseus-programm.de/
SOA4All      http://www.soa4all.eu/
X-Media      http://www.x-media-project.org/
IME          http://www.ime.uni-karlsruhe.de/
STI Germany  http://www.stigermany.de/

Please address all general questions concerning the workshop to Pascal
Hitzler under hitzler@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

Received on Saturday, 21 March 2009 16:13:27 UTC