CFP - SEAS - SBES 2009 - Brazil


Fifth Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems

SEAS@SBES2009 - October 06 - Fortaleza - Ceara - Brazil

Important Dates:

July 12, 2009 Paper Submission Deadline

August 09, 2009 Notification about submissions

August 23, 2009 Camera ready copy

Call for Papers


Developing distributed, large-scale software systems is not a trivial 
task. As software becomes more complex, new engineering approaches are 
proposed to deal with this complexity, distributed, asynchronous, 
decentralized, interaction-centric applications.

Motivated by these software engineering trends, the software agent 
community has been developing distributed agent societies that flexibly 
carry out their function in an evolving runtime environment.

However, the agent technology remains a risky software application 
development approach. There still remains no agreement on internal 
models of agency, programming languages, development methods, 
verification and quality management for multi-agent systems (MAS) and 
killer applications. Furthermore, there is a lack of well established 
agent development tools.

Therefore, software engineering techniques should be created and 
successfully used to clearly show that the agent technology can become a 
foundation to build distributed software systems. In this context, the 
goal of SEAS 2008 is to bring together researchers and practitioners, 
involved in the development of techniques and applications, to discuss 
the impacts of the agent paradigm in the development of these systems.

Topics of Interest

The workshop incentives submissions related to all topics in the area of 
Software Engineering of Agent-oriented Systems, including (but not 
limited to) the following:

• Agent-oriented reuse approaches (frameworks, architecture, product 
lines, ...)

• Service-oriented computing to MAS

• Requirement engineering to MAS

• MDA (Model Driven Architecture) applied to SMA

• Comparative studies between agents and other paradigms

• Empirical and experimental studies in MAS

• Tools and environments to develop MAS

• Governance in MAS

• Methods to analyze and design MAS

• Agent-oriented software metrics

• Ontologies to MAS

• Security and privacy in MAS

• Quality of agent-oriented software

• MAS Testing

• Fault tolerance and exception handler in MAS

• Validation and verification of agent-oriented software

• Self-* for MAS (self-adaptation, self-organization, self-testing, ...)

Organizing Committee

Viviane Torres da Silva (UFF - Brazil) -

Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão (USP - Brazil)

Marcelo Blois (PUCRS - Brazil) -

Carlos J. P. de Lucena (PUCRio - Brazil) -

Format and Submissions

The authors are invited to submit technical, original papers that should 
not have been published or submitted to other workshops, conferences, 
journals or book chapters. Papers should present novel ideas on the 
agent-oriented software engineering, criticism of existing work, or 
description of case studies and experiments which states the 
applicability of software engineering techniques on agent-oriented systems.

Technical papers should be submitted according to the SBC format. The 
papers must not exceed 12 A4 pages. Submitted papers must be in Portable 
Document Format (PDF) or PostScript (PS) format and be written in 
Portuguese or English. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 
three reviewers. Accepted papers will be published informally at the 
workshop page and the organizing committee is planning to publish it by 
using the PUC-Rio editorial. Furthermore, the publication of a paper is 
subject to the registration of at least one of its authors to present it 
in the workshop.

Papers must be sent to with the Subject - "SEAS 
2009: Paper Submission”


Fred Freitas
Centro de Informática - CIn
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE - Brazil
Phone: +55 81 2126 8430 r. 4345

Research interests: Ontologies, semantic web, ontology-based text processing

Received on Sunday, 21 June 2009 23:44:56 UTC