Future Internet Symposium - Vienna, Austria, September 28-30 - Call for Participation

***Apologies for cross postings****


We are pleased to announce the Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008)  
which will take place in Vienna, Austria, September 28-30.  FIS 2008  
will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia  
and industry to exchange ideas related to the Future Internet - a new  
planet scale network able to truly meet the societal and business  
demands of the 21st Century.

In addition to a full refereed paper programme, and a poster and demo  
session FIS 2008 incorporates the following:

Three Keynotes
* William H. Dutton (Director of the Oxford Internet Institute)
* João da Silva (Director of the Network and Communication DG-INFSO)
* Alexander Hauptmann (Carnegie Mellon University)

Five Invited Papers
* The Nature of Our Digital Universe - presented by Michael L. Brodie  
(Chief Scientist of Verizon Services Operations)
* The Internet of Things in an Enterprise Context - presented by  
Stephan Haller (Senior Researcher and Architect in the Smart Items  
Research Program at SAP Research in Zürich)
* Security-By-Contract for the Future Internet - presented by Fabio  
Massacci (Professor at the University of Trento)
* eServices in a Networked World: from Semantics to Pragmatics -  
presented by Jaap Gordijn (Associate Professor of Innovative e- 
Business at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Two Workshops
* OneSpace2008: The1st International Workshop on Blending Physical and  
Digital Spaces on the Internet
* The 1st International Workshop on Complex Event Processing for  
Future Internet: Realizing a Reactive Future Internet

Three Tutorials
* Triple Space Computing: Large-Scale Integrated Knowledge Applications
* Beyond Google Earth: Surfing Petabyte Maps in the Future Internet
* Semantic Management of Business Processes in the Future Internet

Full details on the programme and details on how to register can be  
found at our website www.fis2008.org

Prof. John Domingue,
Knowledge Media Institute,
The Open University,
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK6 7AA

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an  
exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland  
(SC 038302).

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 07:36:13 UTC