Call for Participation: ISWC 2008

  [Apologies for multiple copies]

                  ISWC 2008 Call for Participation

              26-30 October 2008, Karlsruhe Germany

ISWC 2008 is a significant gathering for the Semantic Web community,
with many exciting and stimulating events.  This year we are fortunate
to hold the conference at the Karlsruhe Kongresszentrum, a convention 
facility conveniently located in Karlsruhe's city center. The ISWC
2008 program includes a great deal for practitioners, researchers,
students, and business people, including both the experienced and
those new to the concepts and technology.  The days before the start
of the main conference include the Doctoral Consortium, a series of
eleven half and full-day tutorials, and thirteen workshops. 

The main conference features a series of keynotes and invited talks, regular
paper presentations, panels, poster presentations, demonstrations, a series 
of lightning talks, an exhibit of products and services and several social events.

* 3  keynote talks
* 43 research papers: 
* 14 in-use papers: 

* 11 tutorials (October 26 - 27) 
* 13 one-day workshops (October 26 - 27) 
* 3 collocated conferences: OWLED2008, RR2008, FOIS2008

MAIN CONFERENCE  (October 28 - 30)
KEYNOTE TALKS. The conference will have three plenary keynote talks
from distinguished researchers, one on each day.

* Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine), Multimedia Semantic Web
* John Giannandrea (Metaweb Technologies Inc), Freebase: An Open,
  Writable Database of the World’s Information
* Stefan Decker (DERI Galway), Message in a Bottle or How can the
  Semantic Web Community be more convincing?

Additional invited talks will be made by sponsors and other
organizations applying Semantic Web technology and ideas, including
Mark Greaves (Vulcan, Inc) and Michal Finkelstein (Thompson/Reuters).

REGULAR PAPERS.  A total of 57 submitted papers will be
presented, 43 in the Research track and 14 in the In Use track.
These were selected from over 250 submissions.

evening (18:30-21:00) will also include our poster and demonstration
session. There will be 55 posters presented accompanied by two page
poster papers and with 32 demonstrations with two-page papers
describing the systems.

DINNER AND DANCING. The main conference social event will start with a
reception at 19:30 on Wednesday evening, continue on to a dinner and
finish with dancing until 1:00 on Thursday morning.

SEMANTIC WEB CHALLENGE.  A special plenary session on work submitted
to the the Semantic Web and the Billion Triples challenges will be
held on Wednesday afternoon.

LIGHTNING TALKS.  A special session provides an opportunity for any
participants to present ideas, comments, calls for collaboration,
scathing polemic criticisms, and more, with controversy and discussion
strongly encouraged!! Talks should last no longer than two minutes and
can include one PDF slide. There is no review process, but speakers
are required to sign up by 12:00 on October 30.

ISWC 2008 SOCIAL NETWORK.  This year ISWC will have its own social
networking site hosted by CrowdVine.  This will facilitate attendees
making connections, engaging in discussions, sharing observations and
making new friends.

CLOSING.  At the closing session on Thursday afternoon, we will recap
the events of the week, present awards for the best papers, posters
and demonstrations and hear about ISWC 2009, which will be held in
Washington DC.

TUTORIALS (11 in total, October 26-27) 
* Intro to Semantic Web - Invited Tutorial (full day)
* Reasoning for Ontology Engineering and Usage (full day)
* Formal Concept Analysis for the Semantic Web
* A Semantic Multimedia Web: Create, Annotate, Present and Share your Media
* Working Modularly with OWL
* Knowledge Representation and Extraction for Business Intelligence
* RDFa–Bridging the Web of Documents and the Web of Data
* RSWA 2008 - Realizing a Semantic Web Application
* How to Publish Linked Data on the Web
* Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences
* Free Semantic Content: Using OpenCyc in Semantic Web Applications

WORKSHOPS (13 in total, October 26-27) 
* 2nd Int. Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web
* Terra Cognita 2008
* 3rd Int. Workshop on Ontology Matching
* 3rd ExpertFinder Workshop: Personal Identification and Collaborations - Knowledge Mediation and Extraction (PICKME’08)
* 7th Semantic Web Services Challenge Workshop
* 4th Int. Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE2008)
* 4th Int. Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web
* Int. Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD2008)
* Nature inspired Reasoning for the Semantic Web (NatuReS)
* Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008)
* 4th Int. Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2008)
* 1st Int. Workshop on Incentives for the Semantic Web (INSEMTIVE 2008)
* 1st Int. Workshop on Ontology-supported Business Intelligence (OBI 2008)

CO-LOCATED EVENTS (3 in total)
*  the Fifth International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, (OWLED)
*  the Second International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2008)
*  the Fifth International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS)

REGISTRATION. Register online ( 
by September 18 for early rates and by October 9 for late online rates.

LOGISTICS. Information on hotels and travel to Karlsruhe is available
on the ISWC site (

Li Ding
Research Scientist
Tetherless World Constellation
Computer Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th St, Troy, NY12180, USA,
Tel: +1(518)276-4426
Fax: +1(518)276-4464

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2008 12:27:52 UTC