- From: ISCA <isca@ipass.net>
- Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:44:05 -0400
- To: www-rdf-rules@w3.org,public-owl-dev@w3.org,public-sws-ig@w3.org
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Note: Full paper submission final deadline: November 1, 2008 CATA-2009 CALL FOR PAPERS <http://www.isca-hq.org/CATA-2009-CFP.pdf>24th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications April 8-10, 2009 Holiday Inn Downtown-Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana USA Sponsored by the International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) in conjunction with <http://www.isca-hq.org/BICoB-2009-CFP.pdf>BICoB-2009 The International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA) provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on computers and their applications. The CATA-2009 will feature contributed as well as invited papers concerned with theory, practice and applications. The conference also includes a BEST PAPER AWARD given for a paper presented at the conference. The topics will include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Engineering Bioinformatics and Geoinformatics Compilers Computer-aided Design/manufacturing Computer and Network Security Computer Architecture and VLSI Computer Graphics Computer Modeling Computer Networks Computer Simulation Computer Vision Computing Practice & Applications Control Systems Data Communications Databases Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Digital Signal Processing Expert Systems Human-Computer Interface & Visualization Image Processing Information Systems Multimedia Applications Neural Networks Operating and Distributed Systems Parallel Processing Pattern Recognition Programming Languages Real-time Computing Robotics Software Engineering and CASE Text Processing INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission (PDF only). A full paper, including title, author's name(s) and affiliation, mailing address, telephone, fax and email of the principal author, should be submitted before November 1, 2008 at the following web site: <https://secure.myhostadvantage.com/V0015065FC/con-reg/default.asp?ConID=81>https://secure.myhostadvantage.com/V0015065FC/con-reg/default.asp?ConID=81. The submitted manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the Proceedings. Maximum paper length for the proceedings is six pages, with up to two additional pages accepted with page charges (6+2). ISCA double-column format will be used. See: <http://www.isca-hq.org/Sample_Manuscript_in_ISCA_Format.PDF>http://www.isca-hq.org/Sample_Manuscript_in_ISCA_Format.PDF For possible publication in the ISCA Journal of Computers and Applications, authors should send expanded versions of their papers directly to the Editor, Dr. David Jeff Jackson (See Instructions to Authors at: <http://www.isca-hq.org/j-authr.htm>http://www.isca-hq.org/j-authr.htm ). CONFERENCE CHAIR: Gongzhu Hu Central Michigan University Email: hu1g@cmich.edu PROGRAM CHAIR: Wei Li Nova Southeastern University Email: lwei@nova.edu IMPORTANT DATES Full paper Submission: November 1, 2008 Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2008 Pre-registration and Camera-ready paper: January 10, 2009 CONFERENCE CHAIR Gongzhu Hu Central Michigan University E-mail: hu1g@cmich.edu PROGRAM CHAIR Wei Li Nova Southeastern University E-mail: lwei@nova.edu PROGRAM COMMITTEE Reda A. Ammar, U. of Connecticut Behnam Arad, California State U., Sacramento Kamel Barkaoui, CNAM, France Mark Burgin, U. of California, Los Angles Suresh Chandra, NC A&T State U. Xiao Chen, Texas State U. Fouad B. Chedid, Notre Dame U., Lebanon Arturo I Concepcion, California State U. Andy Connor, Auckland U. of Technology Sergiu Dascalu, U. of Nevada Reno Narayan Debnath, Winona State U. James H. Graham, U. of Louisville Bidyut Gupta, Southern Illinois U. at Carbondale Fred Harris, University of Nevada, Reno Donna L Hudson, U. of California, San Francisco Jeff Jackson, U. of Alabama Chung-Hong Lee, National Kaohsiung U. of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Haesun Lee, U. of Texas of the Permian Basin Jiang Bo Liu, Bradley U. Sin Ming Loo, Boise State U. Wenbin Luo, St. Mary's U., San Antonio Prabhat Mahanti, U. of New Brunswick Les Miller, Iowa State U. David C. Pheanis, Arizona State U. Thomas Philip, Mississippi State U. Stanislav G. Sedukhin, The U. of Aizu Howard Sholl, U. of Connecticut Ambareen Siraj, Tennessee Tech U. John M. Weiss, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Mary Ann Sullivan Executive Director, ISCA International Society for Computers and Their Applications 975 Walnut Street, Suite 132 Cary, NC 27511 USA Phone: 919-467-5559 FAX: 919-467-3430 E-mail: isca@ipass.net
Received on Friday, 24 October 2008 14:44:47 UTC