- From: Nick Bassiliades <nbassili@csd.auth.gr>
- Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:12:22 +0300
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, www-rdf-rules@w3.org, www-webont-wg@w3.org, www-ws@w3.org, www-ws-request@w3.org, xmlschema-dev-request@w3.org, xml-server-owner@yahoogroups.com, xsl-editors@w3.org
[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ] ===================================================================== FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 2008 International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008) Co-located with the 11th International Business Rules Forum October 30-31, 2008, Orlando, Florida http://2008.ruleml.org Register for RuleML-2008 and book you room now! The discounted hotel rooms are almost sold out. ===================================================================== The RuleML-2008 symposium features a strong technical program consisting of: * Keynote speakers: o Paul Haley (Haley Systems, Inc) on "Event and Process Semantics will Rule". o David Luckham (Stanford University, USA) on "The Power of Events: An Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise Systems". o Michael Kifer (State University of New York at Stony Brook), on "Rule Interchange Format: The Framework". Joint keynote between RuleML-2008 and RR2008. o Benjamin Grosof (Vulcan, Inc.) on "Hyper Logic Programs in SILK: Redefining the KR Playing Field for Business and VLKB". * Joint Lunch Panel held in conjunction with the co-located Business Rules Forum on "Rules on the Web". * A RuleML-2008 Challenge with prizes to demonstrate tools, use cases, and applications. * Special Invited Sessions on Rule Standards and rule-based software demonstrations. * Industry, demo and scientific research & development papers and presentations advancing and assessing the state of the art in event and rule-based systems selected in a peer-reviewed fashion by an international program committee. * Papers will be published as a Springer LNCS proceedings. A related journal special issue (IEEE TKDE) on "Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning in Distributed, Heterogeneous Environments", open to all, has been scheduled. * Social events to promote networking among the symposium delegates in an informal setting. You will be offered an exciting venue to exchange new ideas, practical developments and experiences on issues related to the engineering, management, integration, interoperation and interchange of rules and events in open distributed environments such as Enterprise Architectures, the Web, Event-Driven and Service Oriented Architectures etc. The full symposium program is available at: http://2008.ruleml.org/program.php ============ Registration ============ The registration page is available at: http://2008.ruleml.org/registration.php Special discounts are available for our collaboration partners and sponsors, as well as a group discount. The symposium will be held at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando, Florida, near the Walt Disney World Resort. Information about the symposium venue are available here: http://2008.ruleml.org/venue.php Reserved discounted hotel rooms for BRF and RuleML will soon be released. Register for RuleML-2008 now and book you room as soon as possible to get a discounted price. ===================================================================== Co-located with: The 11th International Business Rules Forum http://www.businessrulesforum.com ===================================================================== Sponsored by: Gold level : Vulcan Inc Silver level: Model Systems Bronze level: STI Innsbruck, ruleCore, JBoss Sponsoring opportunities: http://2008.ruleml.org/sponsoring/ ===================================================================== In Co-operation with: CSW Corporate Semantic Web, AAAI, W3C, BPM-Forum, Business Rules Forum, ECCAI, OASIS, OMG, Dallas Rules Group, Belgium Business Rules Forum, MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, Event Processing Technical Society, ACM, ACM SIGART, ACM SIGMIS, ACM SIGWEB, Open Research Society, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, IEEE SMCS TC on Intelligent Internet Systems, IEEE SMCS TC on Distributed Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society TC on Autonomous and Autonomic Systems ===================================================================== Media Partners: Springer LNCS, MoDo Marketing =====================================================================
Received on Monday, 20 October 2008 10:13:12 UTC