Call for participation: Semantic Web Tutorials in ISWC'08, Oct 26-27, 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany



Semantic Web Tutorials in ISWC 2008
26-27 October 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany

Part of the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008)

ISWC 2008, the foremost gathering for the Semantic Web community,
showcases the rapid progress taking place in this exciting technology
area. The ISWC 2008 program includes a great deal of interest for
practitioners, researchers, students, and business people, including
both the experienced and those new to the concepts and technology.
Along with the main conference, this year ISWC will host eleven
tutorials, presented by leading Semantic Web researchers and
practitioners. The tutorial program includes 2 full-day and 9 half-day
tutorials, on October 26 and 27.

Register online at

If you've already registered but would like to add a tutorial,
please email the tutorial chairs, David Martin (
and Lalana Kagal, for instructions.

PROGRAM 26 Oct, 2008 (Sunday)

Intro to Semantic Web - Invited Tutorial (full-day)
9:00 - 17:30
The goal for this tutorial is to give attendees an overview of the main
concepts and issues in the area of the Semantic Web and Ontological
Engineering. This tutorial builds upon the 6-year experience of
successfully running week long summer schools within the KnowledgeWeb

Formal Concept Analysis for the Semantic Web
9:00 - 12:30
Formal concept analysis (FCA) is a mathematical discipline which
formalizes human conceptual thinking in terms of lattice theory. In the
tutorial, we will introduce this field’s basic notions and techniques
to the Semantic Web audience.

A Semantic Multimedia Web: Create, Annotate, Present and Share your Media
9:00 - 12:30
Based on established media workflow practices, we describe a small
number of fundamental processes of media production. We explain how
multimedia metadata can be represented, attached to the content it
describes, and benefits from the web that contains more and more
formalized knowledge.

Working Modularly with OWL
14:00 - 17:30
As more and more large, complex OWL ontologies become available on the
Web, the need for mechanisms and methodologies for managing them
becomes more urgent. This tutorial provides a practical introduction to
module oriented development of OWL ontologies.

RDFa: Bridging the Web of Documents and the Web of Data
14:00 - 17:30
RDFa is the bridge between the Web of Documents, targeting at human
users, and the Web of Data, focusing on machines. This tutorial will
introduce the usage of RDFa in real-world use cases and will enable the
attendees to work with RDFa both on the client as on the server side.

Knowledge Representation and Extraction for Business Intelligence
14:00 - 17:30
The tutorial will give an overview of approaches to identify, extract,
and consolidate semantic information for business intelligence, also
stressing the role of temporal information.

PROGRAM 27 Oct, 2008 (Monday)

Reasoning for Ontology Engineering and Usage (full-day)
9:00 - 17:30
Engineering and using OWL ontologies is a complex task for which
impressive tool support has recently been developed. Since OWL
ontologies are based on logic and involve entailments, this tool
support may involve reasoning, e.g., for query answering, inference
explanation, etc. Our tutorial provides a comprehensive overview over
such tool support from a user perspective, and explains the benefits of
automated reasoning for the user.

RSWA 2008: Realizing a Semantic Web Application
9:00 - 12:30
The RSWA tutorial explains how to develop step-by-step a Semantic Web
application that expects a music style as an input; retrieves data from
online music archives and event databases; merges them and let the
users explore events related to artists that practice the required style.

How to Publish Linked Data on the Web
9:00 - 12:30
This tutorial will help data publishers, researchers, developers and
Web practitioners to understand Linked Data principles and practice and
provide participants with a solid foundation from which to begin
publishing Linked Data on the Web, as well as to implement applications
that consume Linked Data from the Web.

Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences
14:00 - 17:30
HCLSIG demonstrates the use of Semantic Web technologies to access data
on a web scale, taking advantage of OWL and rules to allow queries to
re-purpose data without the need to coordinate with the data custodian.
Attendees will learn possible applications of Semantic Web tools to
share data between and within organizations and solve large scale data
integration problems.

Free Semantic Content: Using OpenCyc in Semantic Web Applications
14:00 - 17:30
The tutorial will describe how Semantic Web researchers and
practitioners can benefit from integrating their representations with
the extensive upper and middle level ontological content of the free
and unrestricted OpenCyc knowledge base, and other integrative
vocabularies like Okkam. The syntax of OpenCyc will be described both
in raw form, and as mapped onto Semantic Web standard languages, and
the content of the knowledge base will be described in overview.

Complete details about ISWC 2008 tutorials can be found at

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 12:00:27 UTC