1st CFP - [7th International Semantic Web Conference] [ISWC2008]

    7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008)
            26-30 October 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany


The Web continues to grow and new technologies, modes of interactions,
and applications are being developed. Building on this growth, Semantic
Web technologies aim at providing a shared semantic information space,
changing qualitatively our experiences on the Web. As Semantic Web
technologies mature and permeate more and more application areas, new
research challenges are coming to the fore and some unsolved ones are
becoming more acute. These issues include creating and managing Semantic
Web content, making Semantic Web applications robust and scalable,
organizing and integrating information from different sources for novel
uses, making semantics explicit in order to improve our overall
experience with information technologies, and thus enabling us to use
the wealth of information that is currently available in digital form
for addressing our everyday tasks. To foster the exchange of ideas and
collaboration, ISWC brings together researchers in relevant disciplines
such as artificial intelligence, databases, social networks, distributed
computing, web engineering, information systems, natural language
processing, soft computing, and human-computer interaction.

General Information
ISWC 2008 calls for papers to its research track. The research track
solicits the submission of original, principled research papers dealing
with both analytical theoretical and practical aspects of Semantic Web
research. Papers of the latter type are encouraged to present repeatability
of their experiments, and share with the community their data and test
harnesses. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following.

* Applications of the Semantic Web
 - Applications with clear lessons learned or evaluations
 - Semantic Web for large scale applications, desktops or personal 
information management
 - Semantic Web technologies for multimedia, sensors, and situational 
 - Semantic Web technologies for P2P, services, agents, grids and 

* Management of Semantic Web Data
 - Languages, tools and methodologies for representing and managing 
Semantic Web data
 - Database, IR and AI technologies for the Semantic Web
 - Search, query, integration, and analysis on the Semantic Web
 - Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web
 - Machine learning and information extraction for the Semantic Web
 - Cleaning, assurance, trust, provenance of Semantic Web data, services 
and processes

* Ontologies
 - Ontology modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution
 - Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment
 - Searching and ranking ontologies
 - Ontology evaluation

* Social Semantic Web
 - Social networks and processes on the Semantic Web
 - Semantic Web technologies for collaboration and cooperation
 - Representing and reasoning about trust, privacy, and security

* User Interfaces
 - Visualization of and interacting with Semantic Web data
 - Semantic Web content creation and annotation
 - Mashing up Semantic Web data and processes

 general questions can be send to iswc2008'at'gmail.com ('at'=@)

Important Dates (research track)
* Abstracts due: May 9
* Submissions: May 16
* Rebuttal phase: June 14-16
* Notification: July 11
* Camera ready: August 15

General chair
    Tim Finin, US

Program chairs
    Amit Sheth, US
    Steffen Staab, DE

Vice Chairs
    Abraham Bernstein, CH
    Vassilis Christophides, GR
    Thomas Eiter, AT
    Yolanda Gil, US
    Vasant Honavar, US
    Anupam Joshi, US
    David Karger, US
    Craig Knoblock, US
    Riichiro Mizoguchi, JP
    Enrico Motta, UK
    Wolfgang Nejdl, DE
    Natasha Noy, US
    Uli Sattler, UK
    Guus Schreiber, NL
    Luciano Serafini, IT
    Umberto Straccia, IT
    Gerd Stumme, DE
    Frank van Harmelen, NL
    Kunal Verma, US

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 05:20:24 UTC