- From: Bertram Fronhöfer <Bertram.Fronhoefer@inf.tu-dresden.de>
- Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:05:45 +0100
- To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Call for Participation ICCL Summer School 2008 COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE Technische Universität Dresden August 24 -- September 6, 2008 http://www.computational-logic.org/iccl-ss-2008 TOPIC The summer academy will focus on the long-lasting controversy of the relationship between modern formal logic (including its use for automated reasoning and computation) and, on the other hand, the rationality and common sense underlying human reasoning. Traditionally, a huge gap is perceived between the symbolic representation of knowledge used in modern logic and the sub-symbolic representation considered dominant in human reasoning. Psychological experiments of the past even suggested that people often don't reason logically and, in general, that logic seems to play only a minor role in human reasoning. However, recently, new ways of explaining human reasoning seem to revive its relatedness to logic. For this reason this summer academy attempts to bring together researchers from both sides for an exchange of views. REGISTRATION If you want to attend the summer school, we'd prefer that you register by April 1, 2008. (See the online registration on the web page mentioned above.) For all who want to apply for a grant, this deadline is obligatory. After April 1, 2008, registration will be possible as long as there are vacant places. (Since we intend to restrict participation to about 60 people, in case of excessive demand, we will have to close the registration to the summer school.) People applying until April 1, 2008, and applying for a grant will be informed about respective decisions on grants at latest by end of April 2008. FEES We ask for a participation fee of 200 EUR. GRANTS A limited number of grants may be available, please indicate in your application if the only possibility for you to participate is via a grant. Applications for grants must include an estimate of travel costs (to be filled in the respective part of the online registration form). INTEGRATED WORKSHOP It will be possible for some participants to present their research work during a small workshop integrated in the summer school. If you would like to do so, please register by means of the online workshop registration form on the web page mentioned above: (The title of your proposed talk, and, in addition, an extended abstract or a full paper of at most 10 pages in postscript or pdf format must be submit by April 1, 2008.) A program committee consisting of the summer school lecturers will select among the submissions. Notification of acceptance of a talk at the integrated workshop will be at latest by end of April 2008. Please note that participation at the summer school is a prerequisite for participation at the workshop. COURSE PROGRAM COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE: AN OVERVIEW Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger, Helmar Gust (Universität Osnabrück) HUMAN REASONING AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE Michiel van Lambalgen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Keith Stenning (Edinburgh University, UK) COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC AND CONNECTIONIST SYSTEMS Steffen Hölldobler (Technische Universität Dresden) COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC IN HUMAN REASONING Robert Kowalski (Imperial College, Department of Computing, UK) LOGIC-BASED AGENTS Fariba Sadri (Imperial College, Department of Computing, UK) THE LOGIC OF GENERALIZED TRUTH VALUES. A TOUR INTO PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC Heinrich Wansing (Fakultät für Philosophie, Technische Universität Dresden) COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC APPLICATIONS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES Luís Moniz Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) PEOPLE INVOLVED Chairs of the ICCL Summer School 2008 Steffen Hölldobler Heinrich Wansing Organizing Committee Julia Koppenhagen Bertram Fronhöfer
Received on Friday, 7 March 2008 09:50:54 UTC