2nd CFP: International Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications (DOA'08)

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======== 2nd Call For Papers ===================

The 10th International Symposium on

Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications (DOA'08)

Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 10 - 12, 2008


Many of the world's most important and critical software systems are 
based on distributed object and middleware technologies. Middleware is 
software that resides between the applications and the underlying 
operating systems on every node of a distributed computing system. It 
provides the "glue" that connects distributed objects and applications 
and is at the heart of component-based systems, service-oriented 
architectures, agent-based systems, or peer-to-peer infrastructures.

Distribution technologies have reached a high level of maturity. 
Classical distributed object middleware (e.g., CORBA, .NET and 
Java-based technologies) and message-oriented middleware (e.g., 
publish/subscribe systems) have been widely successful. We are now 
witnessing a shift to coarser-grained component-based and 
service-oriented architectures (e.g., Web services). Middleware for 
mobile applications and peer-to-peer systems (e.g., JXTA) is also 
gaining increasing popularity, as it allows bridging users without 
reliance on centralized resources.

Common to all these approaches are goals such as openness, reliability, 
scalability, awareness, distribution transparency, security, ease of 
development, or support for heterogeneity between applications and 
platforms. Also, of utmost importance today is the ability to integrate 
distributed services and applications with other technologies such as 
the Web, multimedia systems, databases, peer-to-peer systems, or Grids. 
Along with the rapid evolution of these fields, continuous research and 
development is required in distributed technologies to advance the state 
of the art and broaden the scope of their applicability

Two Dimensions: Research & Practice

Research in distributed objects, components, services, and middleware 
establishes new principles that open the way to solutions that can meet 
the requirements of tomorrow's applications. Conversely, practical 
experience in real-world projects drives this same research by exposing 
new ideas and unveiling new types of problems to be solved. DOA 
explicitly intends to provide a forum to help trigger and foster this 
mutual interaction. Submissions are therefore welcomed along both these 
dimensions: research (fundamentals, concepts, principles, evaluations, 
patterns, and algorithms) and practice (applications, experience, case 
studies, and lessons). Contributions attempting to bridge the gap 
between these two dimensions are particularly encouraged. As we are 
fully aware of the differences between academic and industrial research 
and development, submissions will be treated accordingly and judged by a 
peer review not only for scientific rigor (in the case of "academic 
research" papers), but also for originality and relevance (in the case 
of "case study" papers).

About DOA

DOA 2008 is part of a joint event on the theme "meaningful Internet 
systems and ubiquitous computing". This federated event co-locates five 
related and complementary conferences in the areas of networked 
information systems, covering key issues in distributed infrastructures 
and enabling technologies (DOA), data and Web semantics (ODBASE), 
cooperative information systems (CoopIS), Grid computing (GADA) and 
Information Security (ISS). More details about this federated event can 
be found at http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf .


The topics of this symposium include, but are not limited to:

     * Application case studies of distribution technologies
     * Aspect-oriented approaches for distributed middleware
     * Component-based distributed systems
     * Content distribution and multimedia streaming
     * Dependency injection
     * Development methodologies for distributed applications
     * Distributed algorithms and communication protocols
     * Distributed business objects and components
     * Distributed databases and transactional systems
     * Distributed infrastructures for cluster and Grid computing
     * Distributed middleware for embedded systems and sensor networks
     * Formal methods and tools for designing, verifying, and evaluating 
distributed middleware
     * Interoperability with other technologies
     * Microcontainers
     * Middleware for mobile and ad-hoc networks
     * Migration of legacy applications to distributed architectures
     * Novel paradigms to support distribution
     * Object-based, component-based, and service-oriented middleware
     * Peer-to-peer and decentralized infrastructures
     * Performance analysis of distributed computing systems
     * Publish/subscribe, event-based, and message-oriented middleware
     * Reliability, fault tolerance, quality-of-service, and real time 
     * Scalability and adaptivity of distributed architectures
     * Self-* properties in distributed middleware
     * Service-oriented architectures
     * Software engineering for distributed middleware systems
     * Testing and validation of distributed infrastructures
     * Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
     * Web services


   	Abstract Submission Deadline 	  	June 8, 2008
Paper Submission Deadline 	June 15, 2008
Acceptance Notification 	August 10, 2008
Camera Ready Due 	August 25, 2008
Registration Due 	August 25, 2008
OTM Conferences 	November 9 - 14, 2008


Papers submitted to DOA'08 must not have been accepted for publication 
elsewhere or be under review for another workshop or conference.

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, 
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All papers 
will be refereed by at least three members of the program committee, and 
at least two will be experts from industry in the case of practice 
reports. All submissions must be in English.

Submissions must not exceed 18 pages in the final camera-ready paper style.

The paper submission site will be announced later
Failure to comply with the formatting instructions for submitted papers 
will lead to the outright rejection of the paper without review.

Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically 
excludes a paper from the proceedings.


OTM'08 General Co-Chairs

     * Robert Meersman, VU Brussels, Belgium
     * Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia

DOA'08 Program Committee Co-Chairs

     * Mark Little, Red Hat, UK
     * Alberto Montresor, University of Trento, Italy
     * Greg Pavlik, Oracle, USA

Program Committee Members

     * Santosh Shrivastava, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
     * Nick Kavantzas, Oracle, USA
     * Stuart Wheater, Arjuna Technologies
     * Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Vanderbilt University
     * Michel Riveill, Université de Nice, Sophia Antipolis – France
     * Gero Mühl, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
     * Fernando Pedone, University of Lugano, Switzerland
     * Graham Morgan, Newcastle University, UK
     * Barrett Bryant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
     * Michael Stal, Siemens, Germany
     * Jose Orlando Pereira, University of Minho
     * Luis Rodrigues, INESC-ID/IST
     * Francois Pacull, Xerox Research Centre Europe
     * Aad van Moorsel, University of Newcastle, UK
     * Gordon Blair, Lancaster University, UK
     * Pascal Felber, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
     * Joe Loyall, BBN Technologies, USA
     * Mark Baker, Coactus Consulting, Canada
     * Rui Oliveira, University of Minho, Portugal
     * Harold Carr, Sun, USA
     * Fabio Kon, University of São Paulo, Brazil
     * Judith Bishop, University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
     * Arno Puder, San Francisco State University, USA
     * Shalini Yajnik, Avaya Labs, USA
     * Benoit Garbinato, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
     * Calton Pu, Georgia Tech, USA
     * Geoff Coulson, Lancaster University, UK
     * Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
     * Nikola Milanovic, Technical University Berlin
     * Jean-Bernard Stefani, INRIA, France
     * Andrew Watson, OMG, USA
     * Gregory Chockler, IBM Haifa Labs, Israel
     * Gian Pietro Picco, University of Trento, Italy
     * Patrick Eugster, Purdue University, USA
     * Eric Jul, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
     * Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
     * Medhi Jazayeri, University of Lugano, Switzerland
     * Richard Solely, OMG, USA
     * Frank Manola, OBJS, USA
     * Isabelle Rouvellou, IBM Research
     * Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo, Norway

Received on Saturday, 1 March 2008 02:41:44 UTC