- From: HSofia Pinto <sofia@vinci.inesc-id.pt>
- Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 17:16:17 +0100
- To: undisclosed-recipients:;
- Message-ID: <486CFB51.3080303@algos.inesc-id.pt>
Apologies if you receive this more than once; would you please forward this to interested people and lists. Research Scholarship Project FolkPeers - Folksonomies in P2P Systems Applications for two Research Scholarships in project FolkPeers | Folksonomies in P2P Systems (ref. PTDC/EIA/73945/2006) are now open. The goal of the FolkPeers project is to develop a user-oriented social content management application, in the area of ontologies. In particular, the project aims to develop an ontology library (using P2P technology) that allows users to store, share, search, organize, discover, and classify ontologies. Each researcher will work on one of the following tasks: building a P2P ontology library tag suggestion for textual documents tag suggestion for ontologies context navigation and search in ontology libraries relation analysis in social tagging systems. Each scholarship has a duration of 6 months, beginning on the 15th of September, 2008 and can be extended (up to a 2 year limit). The FolkPeers project is supervised by professor Helena Soa Pinto, assistant professor at the Department of Computer Engineering of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (main researcher), and professor Pavel Calado, assistant professor at the Department of Computer Engineering of the Instituto Superior Técnico (researcher). All work will take place at the INESC-ID research facilities. Applicants should have B.Sc. or M.Sc. in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. Individuals with good knowledge in P2P systems and/or ontologies and with good programming skills will be appraised. Additionally candidates should have personal motivation, initiative, autonomy, and ability to work within a team. Applicants should send their Curriculum vitae and a declaration of interest in the position to: Prof. Helena Sofia Pinto INESC-ID Av. Alves Redol 1000-029 Lisboa phone: +351 21 3100 388 email: sofia.pinto@dei.ist.utl.pt Applications are open until the 15th of August, 2008. Scholarship regulations can be found at http://www.fct.mces.pt/pt/apoios/formformacao/ambitoprojectos.
- application/pdf attachment: bolsa01-ing-curto.pdf
Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 16:35:12 UTC