CFP: International Conference on Grid Computing, High-performance and Distributed Applications (GADA08)

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======== Call For Papers ===================

International Conference on

Grid computing, high-performAnce
and Distributed Applications (GADA'08)

Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 13 - 14, 2008

In the last decade, grid computing has developed into one of the most 
important topics in the computing field. The research area of grid 
computing has been making particularly rapid progress in the last few 
years, due to the increasing number of scientific applications that are 
demanding intensive use of computational resources and a dynamic and 
heterogeneous infrastructure.

Within this framework, the GADA workshop arose in 2004 as a forum for 
researchers in grid computing whose aim was to extend their background 
in this area, and more specifically, for those who used grid 
environments in managing and analyzing data. Both GADA'04 and GADA'05 
were constituted as successful events, due to the large number of 
high-quality papers received, as well as the brainstorming of 
experiences and ideas interchanged in the associated forums. Because of 
this demonstrated success, GADA was upgraded as a Conference within On 
The Move Federated Conferences and Workshops (OTM'06). GADA'06 covered a 
broader set of disciplines, although grid computing kept a key role in 
the set of main topics of the conference.

The objective of grid computing is the integration of heterogeneous 
computing systems and data resources with the aim of providing a global 
computing space. The achievement of this goal is creating revolutionary 
changes in the field of computation, because it enables resource sharing 
across networks, with data being one of the most important resources. 
Thus, data access, management and analysis within grid and distributed 
environments are also dealt as main part of the conference.

Therefore, the main goal of GADA'08 is to provide a framework in which a 
community of researchers, developers and users can exchange ideas and 
works related to grid, high-performance and distributed applications and 
systems. The second goal of GADA'08 is to create interaction between 
grid computing researchers and the other OTM attendees.

GADA'08 intends to draw a highly diverse body of researchers and 
practitioners by being part of the "On the Move to Meaningful Internet 
Systems and Ubiquitous Computing 2008" federated conferences event that 
includes five co-located conferences:

     * GADA'08 (International Conference on Grid computing, 
high-performAnce and Distributed Applications)
     * CoopIS'08 (International Conference on Cooperative Information 
     * DOA'08 (International Symposium on Distributed Objects and 
     * ODBASE'08 (International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and 
applications of Semantics)
     * IS'08 (Information Security Symposium)


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

     * Computational grids
     * Data grids
     * High-performance computing
     * Distributed applications
     * Cluster computing
     * Parallel applications
     * Grid infrastructures for data analysis
     * High-performance computing for data-intensive applications
     * Grid computing infrastructures, middleware and tools
     * Mobile Grid Computing
     * Grid computing services
     * Collaboration technologies
     * Data analysis and management on grids
     * Distributed and parallel I/O systems
     * Extracting knowledge from data grids
     * Agent architectures for grid and distributed environments
     * Agent-based data extraction in distributed systems
     * Semantic Grid
     * Security in distributed environments
     * Security in computational and data grids
     * Grid standards as related to applications


   	Abstract Submission Deadline 	  	June 8, 2008
Paper Submission Deadline 	June 15, 2008
Acceptance Notification 	August 10, 2008
Camera Ready Due 	August 25, 2008
Registration Due 	August 25, 2008
OTM Conferences 	November 9 - 14, 2008


Papers submitted to GADA'08 must not have been accepted for publication 
elsewhere or be under review for another workshop or conference.

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, 
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All 
submissions must be in English. Submissions should be in PDF format and 
must not exceed 18 pages in the final camera-ready format.

The paper submission site will be announced shortly

Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically 
excludes a paper from the proceedings.

GADA PC co-chairs

     * Dennis Gannon
       Computer Science Department
       Indiana University
       Lindley Hall, Room 215
       150 S. Woodlawn Ave.
       Bloomington, IN 47405-7104
       Phone: (812) 855-5184
       Fax: (812) 855-4829

     * Pilar Herrero
       Facultad de Informática
       Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
       Madrid (Spain)
       Phone: (+34) 91.336.74.56
       Fax: (+34) 91.336.65.95E

     * Daniel S. Katz
       Louisiana State University
       Louisiana (USA)
       Phone: (+1) 225.578.2750
       Fax: (+1) 225.578.5362

     * María S. Pérez
       Facultad de Informática
       Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
       Madrid (Spain)
       Phone: (+34) 91.336.73.80
       Fax: (+34) 91.336.73.73

Program Committee (to be confirmed and extended)

     * Jemal Abawajy, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
     * Akshai Aggarwal, University of Windsor, Canada
     * Sattar B. Sadkhan Almaliky, Iraq - Alnahrain University, Iraq
     * Artur Andrzejak, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Germany
     * Amy Apon, University of Arkansas, USA
     * Oscar Ardaiz, Universidad de Navarra, Spain
     * Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
     * Rosa M. Badia, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
     * Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK
     * Angelos Bilas, Univ. of Crete and FORTH, Greece
     * Jose L. Bosque, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
     * Juan A. Botía Blaya, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
     * Pascal Bouvry, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
     * Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
     * Santi Caballé Llobet, Open University of Catalonia, Spain
     * Mario Cannataro, Univ. of Catanzaro, Italy
     * Jesús Carretero, Universidad Carlos III, Spain
     * Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
     * Pablo Chacin , Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
     * Isaac Chao, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
     * Jinjun Chen , Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
     * Félix J. García Clemente , Universidad de Murcia, Spain
     * Carmela Comito, University of Calabria, Italy
     * Toni Cortes, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
     * Geoff Coulson, , Lancaster University, UK
     * Jose Cunha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
     * Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
     * Marios Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
     * Beniamino Di Martino, Department of Information Engineering, 
Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy
     * Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
     * Markus Endler, PUC-Rio,
     * Maria Ganzha, Elblag University of Humanities and Economy, Poland
     * Felix García, Universidad Carlos III, Spain
     * Alastair Hampshire, University of Nottingham, UK
     * Neil P Chue Hong , The University of Edinburgh, UK
     * Alastair Hampshire, University of Nottingham, UK
     * Eduardo Huedo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
     * Jan Humble, University of Nottingham, UK
     * Liviu Joita, Cardiff University, UK
     * Kostas Karasavvas, National e-Science Centre, UK
     * Chung-Ta King, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
     * Kamil Kuliberda, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information 
Technology, Poland
     * Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France
     * Ignacio M. Llorente, UCM-CAB, Madrid, Spain
     * Francisco Luna, University of Malaga, Spain
     * Edgar Magana, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
     * Gregorio Martinez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
     * Ruben S. Montero, UCM-CAB, Madrid, Spain
     * Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), USA
     * Mirela Notare, Barddal University, Brazil
     * Hong Ong, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
     * Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, University of Glasgow, UK
     * Marcin Paprzycki, Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Poland
     * Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, NJ
     * Jose M. Peña, UPM, Spain
     * Dana Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
     * Beth A Plale, Indiana University, USA
     * José Luis Vázquez Poletti, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
     * María Eugenia de Pool, Universidad Nacional Experimental de 
Guayana, Venezuela
     * Bhanu Prasad, Florida A &M University, USA
     * Thierry Priol, IRISA-INRIA, France
     * Víctor Robles,UPM,Spain
     * Rizos Sakellariou, Univ. of Manchester, UK
     * Manuel Salvadores, Imbert Management Consulting Group, Spain
     * Alberto Sanchez, UPM, Spain
     * Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
     * Franciszek Seredynski, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
     * Francisco José da Silva e Silva, Universidade Federal do 
Maranhão, Brasil
     * Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
     * Enrique Soler, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
     * Heinz Stockinger, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, 
     * Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
     * Elghazali Talbi, University of Lille, France
     * Jordi Torres, Barcelona SuperComputing Center (BSC-CNS), Spain
     * Cho-Li Wang, Hong Kong University, China
     * Adam Wierzbicki, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information 
Technology, Poland
     * Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2008 13:39:22 UTC