DL2008 Second Call for Papers


     21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'08)
                       SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS
			  Dresden,  Germany
                           May 13-16, 2008


The DL workshop is the major annual event of the description logic
research community.  The workshop is thought as a gathering forum to
meet, discuss and exchange experiences among all those, both in 
academia and industry, who are interested in description logics and
their applications.



Paper submission deadline:   15 February 2008
Notification of acceptance:  23 March 2008
Camera ready papers due:     13 April 2008
DL'07 Workshop:              13-16 May 2008 (3 or 4 days)



We invite contributions on all aspects of description logics.
Possible subjects include:

* Foundations of description logics, including expressive power,
  decidability and complexity of reasoning, novel inference problems,
  and reasoning techniques for solving these problems.

* Extensions of description logics, including, but not limited to,
  closed world reasoning, defaults, epistemic reasoning, temporal and
  spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, and query languages.

* Integration of description logics with other formalisms, such as
  object-oriented representation languages, database query languages,
  constraint-based programming, logic programming, and rule-based

* Use of description logics in applications or areas such as ontology
  engineering, ontology languages, databases, semi-structured data,
  document management, natural language, learning, planning, semantic
  web, and grid computing.

* Building systems based on description logics, with special emphasis
  on optimization and implementation techniques.

* Tools that exploit description Logic reasoning, such as ontology
  editors, database schema design, query optimization, and data
  integration tools.



* Bernhard Ganter, Dresden, Germany
* Georg Gottlob, Oxford, UK
* Maarten Marx, Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Kent Spackman, Oregon, USA 



We invite submissions of papers in Springer LNCS style, see


to arrive no later than February 15, 2008.

The length of submissions is limited to 11 pages, including title and
abstract (if any), and list of references. Submitted papers must be in
PDF format. Submission is via EasyChair, see


The workshop proceedings will be made available electronically in the
CEUR Workshop Proceedings series, see 




* Franz Baader, Dresden, Germany (General chair)
* Carsten Lutz, Dresden, Germany (PC Chair)



* Carlos Areces, Nancy, France
* Alessandro Artale, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
* Alex Borgida, Rutgers, USA
* Sebastian Brandt, Machester, UK
* Diego Calvanese, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
* Giuseppe de Giacomo, Rome, Italy
* Volker Haarslev, Montreal, Canada
* Ian Horrocks, Oxford, UK
* Ulrich Hustadt, Liverpool, UK
* Pascal Hitzler, Karlsruhe, Germany
* Carsten Lutz, Dresden, Germany (Chair)
* Maja Milicic, Dresden, Germany
* Boris Motik, Oxford, UK
* Ralf Moeller, Hamburg, Germany
* Bijan Parsia, Manchester, UK,
* Peter Patel-Schneider, Alcatel Lucent, USA
* Riccardo Rosati, Rome, Italy
* Uli Sattler, Manchester, UK
* Umberto Straccia, Pisa, Italy
* David Toman, Waterloo, Canada
* Frank Wolter, Liverpool, UK
* Misha Zakharyaschev, London, UK 



* Information regarding registration, travel information, hotels, etc
  will be made available on the DL2008 homepage

* Enquiries about the DL2008 workshop can be made by mailing to

* The official Description Logic home page is at



Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 13:29:07 UTC