CFP: ALPSWS 2008 in conjunction with ICLP 2008

*******Call for Papers - !!Deadline change: 8 September 2008!! **********

                          ALPSWS 2008
          Third International Workshop on Applications of
     Logic Programming to the (Semantic) Web and Web Services
                          Udine, Italy

                     in conjunction with the
      24th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2008)
                        December 9-13 2008

One of the key challenges in making the static Web and dynamic
applications such as Web services more intelligent is to introduce
some form of automated reasoning. For example, the Semantic Web
promises machine-readable semantics and a machine-processable Web
through ontology-based annotation of static data on the Web and
Web-based dynamic applications and services. Such annotation
facilitates querying and aggregating data sources on the Web in a
unified manner, as well as automating discovery, selection and
composition of services. Reasoning technologies for services and data
on the Web have typically focused on Description Logic (e.g., OWL DL)
and Rule-based (RIF, RuleML) approaches and languages. In this
workshop we focus on the latter with a particular focus on Logic
Programming as a  viable candidate paradigm for enabling intelligent
and declarative Web applications.

Many workshops and conferences that are dedicated to the Web arena
deal mostly with generic topics and bring together people from a
variety of research fields with different understandings of the topic.
The plethora of these workshops and conferences make it hard to keep
track of the various approaches of a particular technology such as
Logic Programming in our case. We deliberately take a narrower focus
to advance the application of LP as a paradigm for declarative
knowledge representation and reasoning to the Web and Web services.
Towards this aim we bring together researchers working on applications
of LP to (Semantic) Web and Web services, as well as LP-based
foundations for Semantic Web and Web service languages. ALPSWS 2008 is
the 3rd workshop in its series, still following its original goals:

- Bringing together people from different sub-disciplines of LP and
 focus on technological solutions and applications from LP to the
 problems of the Web.
- Promoting further research in this interesting application field.


Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

* Logic Programming based approaches for reasoning about Semantic Web
 languages such as RDF, RDFS, WSML, OWL, OWL-S, RuleML, SA-WSDL,
* Ontology Modeling and Mediation using Logic Programming
* Deductive query answering in a Semantic Web context
* Reasoning over large-scale ontologies
* Reasoning with large instance data in the presence of ontologies
* Logic-Programming based mashups for Linked Open Data
* Combinations of Logic Programming and Description Logics
* Modeling of and reasoning about Web services
* Applications of Reasoning about actions and dynamics in the context
 of Web service discovery and composition
* Interaction of Logic Programming and other technologies such as
 agents, constraint programming, etc. in a (Semantic) Web context
* Applications, use cases, experimental results and benchmarks
* Extensions of Logic Programming engines for Semantic Web (service)
* Extensions of Logic Programming paradigms to tackle Web challenges,
 e.g., fuzzy logic programming to deal with uncertainty on the Web
* Logic Programming and the application of Semantic Web technologies
 to Semantic content

Sumbission Details:

We invite two forms of submission to this workshop: full papers and
short papers.

Full papers shall be up to 14 pages length, short papers 6 pages which
could include position papers, system descriptions or preliminary
work. The  workshop content will be made available in separate
workshop proceedings. Please use the Springer LNCS format for the

Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the
program committee. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF
format.  For paper submission we use the EasyChair conference
management system:

Important Dates:

Deadline for Submissions: September 8, 2008
Notification of acceptance: October 13, 2008
Camera-ready versions: November 3, 2008
Workshop: December 12, 2008 (to be confirmed)
ICLP 2008 Conference: December 9 - 13, 2008

Program Committee:

Carlos Damasio, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Thomas Eiter, TU Vienna, Austria
Cristina Feier, TU Vienna, Austria
Lukacsy Gergely, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Gopal Gupta, University of Texas at Dallas, US
Claudio Gutierrez, Universidad de Chile
Giovambattista Ianni, University of Calabria, Italy
Uwe Keller, STI Innsbruck, Austria
Markus Kroetzsch, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Zoe Lacroix, University of Arizona, US
Wolfgang May, Göttingen University, Germany
Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, US
Hans Tompits, TU Vienna, Austria
Alejandro Vaisman, University of Toronto, Canada
Maria Esther Vidal, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Gerd Wagner, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany

Organization (alphabet.):

Jos de Bruijn, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Stijn Heymans, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

David Pearce, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Axel Polleres, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway

Edna Ruckhaus, Universidad Simon Bolivar Caracas, Venezuela

Received on Monday, 18 August 2008 11:37:54 UTC