i-seek09 workshop cfp


1st International Workshop on "Intelligent Systems for Environmental
(Knowledge) Engineering and EcoInformatics" (i-SEEK'09)


 (In conjunction with CISIS'2009:  <http://www.cisis-conference.eu/>



March 16-19, 2009

Fukuoka, Japan





Aim and Scope


The complexity and diversity of knowledge and terminology within
environmental engineering is one of the key obstacles for successful
interdisciplinary studies. Relevant data is difficult to be located,
retrieved and managed due to varying formats, schemas and semantics. For
example, for a typical modeling assignment a researcher needs to acquire
knowledge of individual computational models, search, gather and analyze raw
data, ensure the high quality of data, transform the data into formats
compatible to the computation models that he or she is to use and then
finally perform the modeling. This process may take several days to months.
To address these problems, the use of metadata/semantics can be a key
solver.  Semantics can be understandable to both humans and machines,
improving data sharing and integration. Semantics can be used to specify
several domain concepts and describe a variety of domain models being used
within environmental engineering. The overall goal is to achieve efficient
content-based retrieval of environmental datasets and integration of
environmental heterogeneous data. By solving this problem, we believe that
the roadmap to Intelligent Systems for engineering environmental data,
metadata/semantics and knowledge is open to meet current and future
environmental engineering challenges. 


Based on Wikipedia definition about EcoInformatics, the workshop also deals
with Informatics in Ecology and Environmental science, integrating
environmental and information sciences to define entities and natural
processes with language common to both humans and computers. EcoInformatics
focus not only on the creation of tools to access and analyze natural system
data but also to facilitate environmental research and management by
developing ways to access and integrate databases of environmental
information, and to develop new algorithms enabling different environmental
datasets to be combined to test ecological hypotheses. EcoInformatics deal
with the semantics of natural system knowledge. For this reason, much of
today's ecoInformatics research relates to Knowledge Representation. Active
ecoInformatics projects are having close relations to technologies such as
the Semantic Web. Examples of key research areas of EcoInformatics are: 


*         Technology assisted systematic collection of data 

*         Easy access to relevant information (data and analysis), requiring
interoperability and integration across formats (syntax) and concepts

*         Development of conceptual and computational frameworks for
advanced modelling and analysis (e.g. complex ecosystems) 

*         Visualization and communication of analysis results and scenarios 


Based on the above description, we seek innovative work that can demonstrate
intelligent applications and technologies which use semantics to solve
environmental engineering and ecoInformatics problems, e.g. problems that
involve water and air pollution control, recycling, energy control, waste
disposal, and public health issues.

Furthermore, we seek innovative work that can demonstrate tools/systems
focusing on the efficient management and integration of environmental and
ecological data, metadata/semantics and knowledge. 


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


*         Expert Systems for Environmental/Ecological Technology


*         Environmental/Ecological Knowledge Engineering Systems


*         Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Environmental/Ecological


*         Environmental/Ecological terminology


*         Engineering environmental/ecological metadata/semantics


*         Semantics for efficient environmental/ecological data management 


*         Environmental/ecological data integration using metadata/semantics


*         Environmental/ecological metadata/semantics integration


*         Engineering environmental/ecological applications using


*         Metadata/semantics frameworks for environmental/ecological systems


*         Metadata/semantics-based decision support environmental/ecological


*         Environmental/ecological awareness content and applications with
metadata/semantics support


*         Semantic technologies in environmental/ecological sensors networks



Workshop Organization


Konstantinos Kotis, AI-Lab, Dept. of ICSEng., University of the Aegean

Andreas Papasalouros, Dept. of Mathematics, University of the Aegean



Steering Committee       


George A. Vouros, AI-Lab, Dept. of ICSEng., University of the Aegean, Greece

Riichiro Mizoguchi, ISIR, Osaka University, Japan

Dias Haralambopoulos, Energy Management Lab, Dept. of Environment,
University of the Aegean, Greece

Deborah L. McGuinness, Knowledge Systems, Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, Stanford University, USA

Peter Fox, National Center for Atmospheric Research - University Corporation
for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), USA

Konstantinos Kotis, AI-Lab, Dept. of ICSEng., University of the Aegean,



Local Organization Committee


Terukazu KUMAZAWA, RISS, Osaka University, Japan




Program Committee (country order)


Geoff James, Sensor Networks, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia

Laurent Lefort, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia

Tim Wark, Sensor Networks - Autonomous Systems Laboratory, CSIRO ICT Centre,

Jennifer Sampson, NICTA (National ICT Australia), Australia 

Franz Wotawa, Institute for Software Technology, Graz University of
Technology, Austria

Monika Lanzenberger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Pieter De Leenheer, Semantics Technology & Applications Research Laboratory
(STARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Kwok-wing Chau, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Christopher James Tuot, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
DFKI GmbH, Germany

Thanh Tran, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods
(AIFB), Germany

Thomas Roth-Berghofer, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
DFKI GmbH, Germany

Heracles Polatidis, Energy Management Lab, Dept. of Environment, University
of the Aegean, Greece

Vassilios Vescoukis, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

George Kovacs, SZTAKI, Hungary

Pavel Shvaiko, TasLab, Informatica Trentina, Italy

Adam Jatowt, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan

Kouji Kozaki, ISIR, Osaka University, Japan

Osamu SAITO, Waseda University, Japan

Takanori MATSUI, Department of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Eng.,
Osaka University, Japan 

Luigi Ceccaroni, Knowledge Engineering & Machine Learning Group, LSI, UPC,

Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, IDSIA, Switzerland

Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, IDSIA, Switzerland

Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, University of Manchester, UK

Norman Morrison, NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre (NEBC) / School of
Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK

Richard J. Williams, Microsoft Research Ltd., UK

Alexey Voinov, Chesapeake Research Consortium Community Modeling Program &
Johns Hopkins Univ., Geography and Env. Eng. Dept., USA

Joel Sachs, ebiquity research group, UMBC, USA

John Schnase, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA

Matt Jones, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UCSB, USA

Peter Fox, National Center for Atmospheric Research - University Corporation
for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), USA

Rob Raskin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, CalTech, USA


Submission Guidelines


Authors are invited to submit both Research and Application papers following
the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns,
single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number
each page. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author
Guidelines at one of the following web pages:



            *           or



The regular papers (Research or/and Application papers) should be 6 pages
long. They will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance,
technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. The papers should be
submitted electronically via CISIS-09 website. If there is any problem
during submission please contact the Workshop Co-Chairs.


Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the
final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.

Proceedings of the Workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society


In addition to regular papers, we also solicit submissions of position
papers articulating vision statements describing challenging future
directions, critiquing research problems, and placing new research
questions. Authors are encouraged to use 'Position Paper' in the title of
these papers to distinguish them from regular papers (Research or
Application Paper). The position papers should be prepared using the IEEE CS
format, two columns layout, single-spaced, 10-point, and using page numbers.
The length should not exceed 4 pages (including figures and tables).
Position papers will be reviewed and published in the proceedings of the
workshop by IEEE Computer Society Press.


To assist in the review process, authors are also encouraged to use one or
more keywords in their submission, selecting from the following list (if


Reasoning; Multi-agent system; Environmental modelling; Sensor network,
Ontology; Intelligent System; Decision-support system; Semantics; Expert
System; Data/Knowledge Sharing; Data/Knowledge Integration; Data/Knowledge
Management; Awareness; Prediction; Diagnosis; ...


Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and present the paper. The papers should be submitted via

CISIS'09 Web site. Authors whose papers have been accepted and presented at
CISIS'09, including both conference and workshop papers, are invited to
submit their extended and revised papers to special issues. For more
information please visit




*           Submission Deadline: September 30, 2008 

*           Author Notification: November 20, 2008 

*           Author Registration: November 30, 2008 

*           Proceedings Version: December 15, 2008 

*           Workshop Dates: March 16-19, 2009 



For further inquiries please contact:



Dr. Konstantinos Kotis, 

AI-Lab < <http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/ai-lab>

ICSEng. Dept. 

University of the Aegean

E-mail: kotis at aegean dot gr < <mailto:kotis@aegean.gr>

Web page:  <http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/kotis> http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/kotis



Workshop on-line:

 <http://semanticweb.org/wiki/i-SEEK09> http://semanticweb.org/wiki/i-SEEK09




Dr. Konstantinos Kotis

 <http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/kotis> http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/kotis


Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Eng. 

School of Sciences

University of the Aegean 


Karlovassi, Samos

83200 Greece

Tel.  +30 22730 89150

Fax. +30 22730 82009


"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" (T. Hook) P Please
consider the environment before printing this email 




Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 13:30:08 UTC