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We are happy to announce that the programme of the 2nd international
conference on Semantics And digital Media Technology (SAMT 2007) is
available online at

Advanced registration is also open.

SAMT 2007 targets to narrow the large disparity between the low-level
descriptors that can be computed automatically from multimedia content and
the richness

and subjectivity of semantics in user queries and human interpretations of
audiovisual media - The Semantic Gap.
SAMT brings together those forums, projects, institutions and individuals
investigating the integration of knowledge, semantics and low-level

processing, and links them with industrial research and development
engineers who exploit the underlying emerging technology.

In cooperation with the European Commission DG Information Society, the
third day of the conference will feature keynote talks from EC

The conference will be held at the Jolly Hotel Marina, December 5-7, 2007,
Genova, Italy,


SAMT 2007 solicits project poster and demo contributions that will be
presented in special sessions during the conference, giving the
opportunity to present

ongoing research. Objectives or results of active projects, initiatives or
standardization activities, reports on systems under development, or

of completed work are all welcome.

The Demo session is intended to provide a showcase for innovative
implementations, systems, and technologies related to semantic multimedia.
In principle,

posters may be backed up with demos, and vice versa. Contributions will be
evaluated based on significance of results, relevance to SAMT and expected

Posters and Demos are intended to convey a scientific result or work in
progress and not to advertise software packages!

Authors must submit by email to samt07-poster-demo@ge.imati.cnr.it up to
two-page short abstract for evaluation. Only submissions in PDF format are

acceptable. Papers should be formatted according to IEEE Proceedings
style. Authors should specify if the submission will be presented as a
demo, a poster,

or both, and clearly indicate whether the submission concerns a project
(if so, they should specify the project).
Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the SAMT topics,
originality, potential significance and clarity.
Authors submitting a paper to the scientific track in SAMT 2007 may also
submit the same work for consideration in the poster and demo track,
either before

or after acceptance notification for the full paper.
Poster and Demo papers will be published in separate proceedings and will
be handed out to all participants of SAMT.

Important Dates

* Poster/Demo Submission: October 15, 2007
* Notification of Acceptance: October 30, 2007
* Camera-Ready Due: November 15, 2007

SAMT 2008

The SAMT steering committee would like any interested parties to send them
a formal application to host SAMT 2008. Sponsored by the K-Space Network

Excellence <http://www.kspace-noe.net/>, SAMT is traditionally held in the
late November / early December and runs from Wednesday to Friday with a
key panel

session, one or two invited speakers and full conference multiple track
podium and poster sessions. Special sessions, tutorials and workshops are

offered. A social event is expected on Thursday evening.

The full application should be a single pdf document containing the
following details:
- Main contact for the conference, with full postal address, telephone and
- The venue
- Chair(s) and co-chairs for publicity, special sessions, tutorials and
workshops if offered
- Prospective members of the conference organising committee
- Key people and their experiences of organising events like this
- Provisional dates for the conference, with provisional booking details
of accommodation, rooms bookings for conference venue and meals; rationale
for the

proposed dates (no clashes with other related events)
- Provisional technical program
- Likely financial plan
- Plans for organisation and publicity

Organisational support and potential sponsors (apart from the main
technical sponsor K-Space and EC cluster of related projects)
The main conference auditorium must be large enough to accommodate 150+
delegates and must be a tiered auditorium with adequate A/V facilities.
Please send expressions of interest to Michela Spagnuolo
(michela.spagnuolo@gmail.com) by the October 31, 2007. Pending discussion
by the steering board, the

successful candidate will be announced at the SAMT 2007 conference.


You are receiving this email because you have participated in a previous
EWIMT or SAMT related event. If you would like to be removed from the SAMT

email list, please reply to this message with the word 'REMOVE' in the
SUBJECT LINE. This email should be addressed to: samt07@ge.imati.cnr.it.
You will be

removed from this list when we receive your reply.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 15:09:08 UTC