CFP - Special Issue on Ontologies & Their Applications at J.UCS

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After pursuing a long tradition of study in
Philosophy, the term “ontology” has become the new
buzzword in computer science.  It is receiving special
attention not only from an active community of
researchers pertaining to many areas of informatics 
but also from the industry, which is providing
increasing budgets and investments to develop this
technology and make it available in business as soon
as possible. 

There is at least one main reason for this
recognition: ontologies constitute the backbone of the
Semantic Web, as they are responsible for providing
context to pages, thus promising to make a relevant
part of the Web contents understandable and
processable by the software. However, there are some
challenging obstacles that should be tackled to make
ontologies wide-spread reputation shift from a promise
to a daily used technology. For instance,
heterogeneity and evaluation are two of these

Following the realization of the Brazilian "Workshop
on Ontologies and their Applications" series (see for the first edition and for

the second), we planned this Special Issue as a
follow-up for the last edition of the workshop,
although by no means limited to its authors or
participants. With this Special Issue, we intend to
enrich the discussion on how to enhance ontologies’
applicability, thus realizing this promising
technology in general, but also in specific settings,
such as e-business and e-commerce to name but a few. 

Topics of Interest:

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Ontology Engineering
- methodologies
- capture and learning
- management

Semantic consistency
- foundational ontologies
- upper-level ontologies
- evaluation methods, applications and problems

Semantic Interoperability
- composition and modularity
- merging, mapping and alignment
- ontology language interoperability

Enhancement of ontology applicability 
- linguistic ontologies applied to text processing
- patterns of ontologies for specific applications 

Ontologies for Information Sharing 
- ontology-based information integration
- mediators and brokers 
- agents and ontologies

Ontology Applications
- Semantic Web 
- knowledge management
- e-commerce, e-government 
- e-learning and e-science
- information retrieval

Submission procedure:

We encourage the submission of high-quality papers
based on entirely new work or surveys, both meeting
the foci of the Special Issue. Papers must be written
in English and may have a length from 20 to 30 pages, 
including tables, figures, and references. 

As for the format, papers must conform to the J.UCS
style, formatted in PDF (preferred) or PostScript. It
is recommended that authors use the J.UCS template
files (see
for formatting instructions) to minimize possible
conflicts when preparing the camera ready. Word and
Latex J.UCS style samplers are provided in

Papers should be submitted electronically only to one
of the guest editors (see e-mail addresses below) up
to the deadline (April 15,2007). Authors should not
neglect that, together with the camera-ready version 
of the paper, a Copyright Transfer Statement (which
can be downloaded from
must be signed and sent/faxed by each author to Mrs
Dana Kaiser, Manager of the J.UCS, via web
( or by fax (+43 316 873 

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by three
qualified reviewers/referees. Any other questions
regarding papers submission must also be directed to
the guest editors.

April     15 2007  - Submission due date
July       1 2007  - Notification of paper acceptance
September 15 2007  - Camera-ready paper due
October      2007  - Publication of the Special Issue
on Ontologies & their Applications 

Guest Editors of the Special Issue on Ontologies and
their Applications:
 Dr. Fred Freitas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
Brazil (contact person)

 Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universitaet
Mannheim, Germany
heiner @

 Dr. H.Sofia Pinto, IST/INESC-ID, Portugal

 Dr. Andreia Malucelli, Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Paraná - 

J,UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science

J,UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science - is
a high-quality electronic publication that deals with
all aspects of computer science. J.UCS has been
appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the 
oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted
publication since its foundation. J.UCS is a joint
publication of the Know-Center, Graz, Austria, in 
cooperation with the IICM, Graz University of
Technology, Austria, Joanneum Research, Austria and
Springer Pub. Co. 

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Received on Monday, 26 February 2007 18:58:49 UTC