CFP: Interdisciplinary Ontology Conference, Tokyo, February 26-27, 2008

Apologies for cross-postings and duplications. Please forward to

    Interdisciplinary Ontology Conference (InterOntology08 Tokyo)
We are pleased to announce an international conference to be held in
Tokyo on February 26-27, 2008. The conference will be co-organized and
co-sponsored by

  - JCOR: the Japanese Center for Ontological Research
  - NCOR: the (US) National Center for Ontological Research
  - ECOR: the European Center for Ontological Research

On the afternoon of Tuesday February 26 a special session will be held
on Biomedical Ontology, jointly organized by JCOR and the (US) National
Center for Biomedical Ontology.

This conference will serve to launch JCOR (the Japanese Centre for
Ontological Research), which has recently been funded by the Japanese
Government's Ministry of Education and Science (MEXT) under the
framework of the Open Research Centre on Logic and Formal Ontology.

The conference will be held at Keio University, Tokyo.

The invited speakers include;
  - Alan Ruttenberg (USA)
  - Werner Ceusters (USA)
  - Nicola Garino (Italy)
  - Riichiro Mizoguchi (Japan)
  - Mark Musen (USA), under negotiation
  - Jun Nakaya (Japan)
  - Barry Smith  (USA)
  - Takahira Yamaguchi (Japan)

Other invited speakers will be announced soon.

The purpose of the conference is to exchange ideas and state-of-the-art
technologies among researchers from different regions of the world
across various areas of ontology, including philosophy, informatics, AI
and biomedical sciences.

Submissions are invited of short papers in pdf format up to 5 pages,
using the templates soon to be posted on our conference homepage:
These papers are designed to serve as the basis for 20-minute oral 
at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in a volume of

We apologize for the early deadline, but authors of accepted papers
have an opportunity at a later stage to submit extended versions.

Papers may address a wide variety of issues relating to ontology and
applications. Papers should be submitted before the deadline to:

Receipt of short papers: Dec. 27th, 2007, at 12:00 Noon at the Japanese
Standard Time.
Notification of acceptance: Jan. 5th, 2008
(Final versions due: Jan. 12th, 2008)

For inquiries please write to

The Scientific Committee of InterOntology08 will include
  - John Batemen (ECOR)
  - Mathias Brochhausen (ECOR)
  - Werner Ceusters (NCOR, USA)
  - Pierre Grenon (ECOR, Germany)
  - Hiromichi Fukui (Keio University, Japan)
  - Tatsuya Hagino (Keio University, Japan)
  - Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
  - Mark Musen (NCBO, USA)
  - Sumio Nakagawa (Keio University, Japan)
  - Jun Nakaya (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
  - Mitsuhiro Okada (Keio University, Japan), co-chair
  - Barry Smith  (NCOR, USA), co-chair
  - Hideaki Takeda (NII, Japan), under negotiation
  - Takahira Yamaguchi (Keio University, Japan)

Received on Sunday, 16 December 2007 17:19:56 UTC