CfP Deadline Extension: OWLED06. OWL - Experiences and Directions

	Second International Workshop
	Athens, GA, USA, 10-11 November 2006
         Co-located with ISWC06 and RuleML06.


Submissions due:            7th of August, 2006
Notification of acceptance: 11th of September, 2006
Final versions due:         9th of October, 2006
Workshop:                   10-11th of November, 2006

Workshop proceedings will be published online.

Call for Papers

The W3C OWL Web Ontology Language has been a W3C recommendation since
2004. OWL is playing an important role in an increasing number and range
of applications, and is the focus of research into tools, reasoning
techniques, formal foundations, language extensions etc. This level of
experience with OWL means that the community is now in a good position
to discuss how OWL be applied, adapted and extended to fulfill current
and future application demands.

The aim of the OWLED workshop series is to establish a forum for
practitioners in industry and academia, tool developers, and others
interested in OWL to describe real and potential applications, to share
experience, and to discuss requirements for language
extensions/modifications.  The workshop will bring users, implementors
and researchers together to measure the state of need against the state
of the art, and to set an agenda for research and deployment in order to
incorporate OWL-based technologies into new applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
     - Applications of and experience with OWL
     - Application-driven requirements for OWL
     - Performance and scalability issues
     - Extensions to OWL, including
       - non-monotonic extensions
       - rules extensions
       - extensions for representing temporal and spatial information
       - extended property constructors
       - keys
       - extended class constructors
       - extended datatype constructors
       - probabilistic and fuzzy Extensions
     - Implementation techniques for OWL and related languages
     - Reasoning-related tasks for OWL, including explanation
     - Security and Trust for OWL-based information
     - Tools for OWL, including
       - editors
       - visualisation tools
       - parsers and syntax checkers
       - versioning frameworks
     - OWL based Semantic Web Service frameworks

Characteristics of OWLED06

The 2006 OWLED workshop shall in particular
     - further the interaction between theoreticians, tool builders, and
     - help consolidating OWL 1.1;
     - initiate the development of OWL 2.0; and
     - aid in clarifying the relationships between OWL and rules.

For OWLED06, we particularly encourage submissions on any of the
following topics:
     - Experiences with OWL 1.1
     - Implementation issues with OWL 1.1
     - Demos of OWL 1.1 implementations
     - Requirements for a potential OWL 2.0 revision
     - Modeling and reasoning with OWL and rules
     - Survey papers
     - System descriptions

Submissions can be either technical papers or short "position" papers.
Submissions that base their conclusions on application experience are
especially encouraged.

Workshop Format

The goal of the workshop will be to maximise discussion. The technical
sessions will therefore consist of short presentations of papers
(grouped by topic area) followed by directed discussion. Further
presentations and system demonstrations will be made as part of a poster
session. The workshop may also have one session in common with the
Second International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for
the Semantic Web (RuleML06) in which the integration of OWL with rules
languages will be discussed.

Submission details

Submissions must be in PDF, and will not be accepted in any other
format. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their
submission displays and prints correctly on common PDF viewers.
Submissions must be formatted in the style of the Springer Publications
format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details see,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html 

All papers must be submitted online using the submission website at

Technical paper submissions must be no longer than 10 pages, and shorter
submissions are welcome. Position paper submissions must be no longer
than 4 pages. All submissions must be received before 11:59 PM PST 7th 
of August 2006. Submission will be via the workshop web site.

All relevant submissions will be made available from the workshop web
site; these may be updated with final versions after the reviewing
process. Presentation materials from the workshop will also be placed on
the web site.

All submissions will be reviewed by the workshop committee. Decisions on
the acceptance of papers will be communicated to authors no later than
11th September 2006.

Reviewing and Participation

All submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers plus programme committee members will be invited to
participate in the workshop.  Authors who need invitations before the
notification date should send a message to the workshop committee at indicating why they need an advance
invitation and provide their qualifications to receive an invitation.

Applications from other interested parties will be considered after
submission-based invitations have been extended, but numbers will be
strictly limited. Prospective participants are welcome to submit a
two-page statement of interest (in PDF LLNCS format) by emailing it as
an attachment to These statements will
be considered in determining invitations, and will be made available on
the workshop web site.


The Workshop will take place at the Classic Center
( in Athens, Georgia, U. S. A. (about two
miles away from the location of ISWC 2006). For more venue information,
including how to reach Athens, see the General Information section of
the ISWC 2006 web site ( There will be
shuttle services between ISWC and OWLED locations.

Steering Committee

Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester (UK)
Bijan Parsia, University of Maryland (USA)
Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs (USA)

Workshop Organising Committee

Bernardo Cuenca Grau, University of Manchester (UK)
Pascal Hitzler, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (Germany)
Conor Shankey, Visual Knowledge Software Inc. (USA)
Evan Wallace, NIST (USA)

Programme Committee

Dean Allemang, TopQuadrant (USA)
Michael Champion, Microsoft (USA)
Kendall Clark, University of Maryland (USA)
Giuseppe DeGiacomo, Universita di Roma ``La Sapienza'' (Italy)
Nick Gibbins, University of Southampton (UK)
Jennifer Golbeck, University of Maryland (USA)
Christine Golbreich, University Rennes 2 (France)
Volker Haarslev, Concordia University (Canada)
Joanne Luciano, Harvard Medical School (USA)
Carsten Lutz, TU Dresden (Germany)
Ashok Malhotra, Oracle (USA)
Massimo Marchiori, W3C at MIT (USA)
Boris Motik, University of Manchester (UK)
Enrico Motta, Open University (UK)
Ryusuke Masuoka, Fujitsu Laboratories of America (USA)
Gary Ng, Cerebra (USA)
Natasha Noy, Stanford University (USA)
Bijan Parsia, University of Maryland (USA)
Terry Payne, University of Southampton (UK)
Alan Ruttenberg, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, (USA)
Riccardo Rosati, Universita di Roma ``La Sapienza'' (Italy)
Ulrike Sattler, University of Manchester (UK)
Andrew Schain, NASA (USA)
Guus Schreiber, Vrije Universitat Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool (UK)
Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bolzano (Italy)

Dr. habil. Pascal Hitzler
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe
email:    fax: +49 721 608 6580
web:   phone: +49 721 608 4751

Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 13:33:57 UTC