CFP : WWW'06 Workshop on Models of Trust on the Web (MTW'06)

We apologize for cross-posting.

======================= CALL FOR PAPERS =========================

to be held in conjunction with WWW 2006 
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 22/23, 2006

Workshop Outline

    "There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and facts found
	on the Web."
    Dr. Tim Finin, paraphrasing the well known quotation by 
    Benjamin Disraeli on Statistics
As it gets easier to add information to the web via html pages, wikis, 
blogs, and other documents, it gets tougher to distinguish accurate 
information from inaccurate or untrustworthy information. A search
engine query usually results in several hits that are outdated and/or 
from unreliable sources and the user is forced to go through the 
results and pick what she/he considers the most reliable information 
based on her/his trust requirements. With the introduction of web 
services, the problem is further exacerbated as users have to come up 
with a new set of requirements for trusting web services and web 
services themselves require a more automated way of trusting each 
other. Apart from inaccurate or outdated information, we also need to 
anticipate Semantic Web Spam (SWAM) -- where spammers publish false 
facts and scams to deliberately mislead users. This workshop is 
interested in all aspects of enabling trust on the web.

This workshop will bring together researchers and experts from 
different communities (e.g., Information Systems, Database, Semantic 
Web, Web Services) interested in topics like trust, provenance,
privacy, security, reputation and spam, in order to address current
challenges of their application to distributed environments like the
Web. The workshop will deliver a state-of-the-art overview,
successful research advances in the area as well as guidelines for 
future research.


Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    * Trust specification and reasoning
    * Trust policies representation and enforcement
    * Certificate management for trust
    * Relationship between provenance and trust
    * Modeling and maintaining provenance
    * Reputation management
    * Models for learning trust and the evolution of trust
    * Decentralized trust models
    * Case studies
    * How trust helps in identifying spam and SWAM (Semantic Web Spam)
    * Legal notion of trust
    * How to work without trust (e.g. risk management)
    * Requirements for trusting information, services, users on the web
    * Trust in business rules and contracts
    * Justification for conclusions
    * Explanations for advanced query answering
    * Trust negotiation
    * Information quality


Full research papers describing completed research as well as position
papers describing proposed research are welcome. We also seek
demonstration papers outlining practical work in this field.

Submissions must conform to the ACM formatting guidelines for WWW2006 (follow
the instructions for "Formatting your Paper") and must not exceed 10 pages for
full (research) papers and 5 pages for demo, short or position papers,
including all text, references, appendices, and figures. Submissions must be
in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Papers should be submitted electronically via the MTW EasyChair page at

Registration for the workshop is via the WWW2006 website. For accepted papers,
at least one author is expected to participate in the workshop. The organizers
reserve the right to withdraw from the proceedings a paper whose authors do
not attend the workshop. If you have any questions, please contact one of the
organizing committee.

Important dates :
    * Submission deadline: February 10, 2006
    * Notification for acceptance: March 10, 2006
    * Camera ready due: March 31, 2006


The workshop will be held at the 15th International World Wide Web Conference
on May 22/23, 2006 in Edinburgh, Scotland

Organizing Committee
    Tim Finin, University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Lalana Kagal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Daniel Olmedilla, L3S Research Center and Hanover University

Program Committee

    * Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
    * Chris Bizer, FU Berlin
    * Piero Bonatti, University of Naples
    * Tim Finin, UMBC
    * Rino Falcone, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
    * Jennifer Golbeck, UMD
    * Sandro Hawke, W3C & MIT
    * Anupam Joshi, UMBC
    * Lalana Kagal, MIT
    * Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft
    * Jiangtao Li, Purdue University
    * Fabio Martinelli, CNR
    * Deborah McGuinness, Stanford
    * Rebecca Montanari, University of Bologna
    * Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S and University of Hannover
    * Daniel Olmedilla, L3S and University of Hannover
    * Filip Perich, Shared Spectrum & UMBC
    * Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University
    * Norman Sadeh, CMU
    * Kent Seamons, BYU
    * Nahid Shahmehri, Linkopings universitet
    * Bhavani Thuraisingham, UT Dallas
    * Mahesh Tripunitara, Motorola Labs
    * Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    * Sheng Zhong, State University of New York at Buffalo


Received on Friday, 13 January 2006 14:50:05 UTC