- From: Valentina Tamma <V.A.M.Tamma@csc.liv.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:16:13 +0000
- To: Valentina Tamma <V.A.M.Tamma@csc.liv.ac.uk>
Second Call for Posters/Demos 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro 2006 http://www.eswc2006.org Important Dates --------------- Submission due: 1, March, 2006 Notification: 7, April, 2006 Camera-Ready: 2, May, 2006 Topics of Interest ------------------ ESWC is the primary European conference on topics related to the Semantic Web. It covers all aspects of Semantic Web research and development. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Ontology Management (e.g. creation, evolution, evaluation) * Ontology Alignment (e.g. mapping, matching, merging, mediation and reconciliation) * Ontology Learning and Metadata Generation (including e.g. HLT and ML approaches) * Multimedia and Semantic Web * Semantic Annotation of Data * Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights * Semantic Web Rules and Query Languages * Reasoning on the Web (e.g. scalability, fuzziness, distribution) * Searching, Querying, Visualizing, Navigating and Browsing the Semantic Web * Personalization and User Modelling * User Interfaces and Semantic Web * Semantic Grid and Middleware * Semantic Web Services (e.g. description, discovery, invocation, composition) * Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management (e.g. Semantic Desktop, Knowledge Portals) * Semantic Web for e-Business, e-Culture, e-Government, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Science * Database Technologies for the Semantic Web * Data Semantics and Web Semantics * Semantic Interoperability * Semantic Web Mining Besides the scientific and industrial paper track, ESWC asks for poster and demonstration contribution that will be presented in a special session during the conference. Requested Contributions ----------------------- We are looking for contributions whose nature make them less suited for submission to the official paper track. We would like to emphasize this point and make clear that the poster and demo session is more than a second chance for a rejected paper. In particular, we ask for contributions of the following kind. Late-breaking and Speculative Results: Significant and original ideas with promising approaches to resolve open problems in Semantic Web research that are in an early stage and have not been verified and tested sufficiently to meet the requirements of a scientific publication. Submissions in this area will be evaluated like a scientific paper but limited to the aspects of originality, relevance and significance. Descriptions of System Demonstrations: Descriptions (preferably accompanied by demonstration) of new systems that use Semantic Web technology to solve important real world problems. We are also looking for software infrastructure supporting the development of systems that use Semantic Web technologies. Systems will be evaluated based on novelty and significance of the application as well as the use of Semantic Web technologies for solving the problem. The main criteria for contributions on infrastructure is successful use in existing applications as well as uniqueness of the provided services. Projects and Initiatives: Descriptions of the objectives and results of ongoing projects and initiatives. The aim is to provide an overview of ongoing work in the area of the Semantic Web. Contributions in this area will be evaluated based on the importance and uniqueness of the objectives. Further criteria for project descriptions are the significance of results. Descriptions of initiatives will also be evaluated with respect to the expected impact on the community. Submissions ----------- ESWC 2006 welcomes your submission to the poster and demo session. Descriptions of the poster and/or demonstration is due March 1st, 2006 and should not exceed two (2) pages in the ACM SIG format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Please send your submission electronically to Holger Wache, e-mail: holger@cs.vu.nl We accept only submissions in the PDF format. Your submission will be reviewed at least by two reviewers according to the criteria specified above; so please label your submission as either a demo or poster. Please note: Demo and poster submissions will be published in a separate proceedings and will be handed out to participants of ESWC. For questions please send an email to holger@cs.vu.nl Program Committee ----------------- Andreas Abecker (FZI Karlsruhe, DE) Jürgen Angele (Ontoprise GmbH, DE) Richard Benjamin (ISOCO, Spain) Jos de Bruijn (DERI Innsbruck, AT) Paul Buitelaar (DFKI Saarbruecken, DE) Jeremy Carroll (HP, GB) Peter Dolog (University of Hannover and L3S, DE) Aldo Gangemi (CNR, IT) Volker Haarslev (Concordia University, CA) Pascal Hitzler (University of Karlsruhe, DE) Eero Hyvönen (University of Helsinki, FI) Ruben Lara (TIF Tecnología, Spain) Diana Maynard (University Sheffield, UK) Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, JP) Enrico Motta (The Open University, UK) Lyndon Nixon (Free University Berlin, DE) Terry Payne (University of Southampton, UK) Aleksander Pivk (J. Stefan Institute, SL) Pavel Shvaiko (University of Trento, IT) Michael Sintek (DFKI Kaiserslautern, DE) Heiner Stuckenschmidt (University of Mannheim, DE) Vojtech Svatek (University of Economics, CZ) Sergio Tessaris (Free University Bozen, IT) Anita de Waard (Elsevier, NL) Paul Warren (British Telecom, UK)
Received on Monday, 6 February 2006 21:26:12 UTC