- From: Valentina Tamma <V.A.M.Tamma@csc.liv.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 13:34:06 +0100
- To: Valentina Tamma <V.A.M.Tamma@csc.liv.ac.uk>
Apologies for multiple postings --- Agents and the Semantic Web --- 2005 AAAI Fall Symposium Series Call for Papers Arlington, Virginia, USA 3rd-6th November, 2005 http://www.daml.ecs.soton.ac.uk/AAAI-FSS05/ TRAVEL BURSARIES STILL AVAILABLE, for information please contact Bijan Parsia <bparsia@isr.umd.edu> Invited Speakers: ===== James Hendler, University of Maryland Michael Wooldridge, University of Liverpool Accepted papers: ===== Dynamic Sub-Ontology Evolution for Collaborative Problem-Solving Y. Mao, W. Cheung, Z. Wu, J. Liu SEA: a Semantic Web Services Context-aware Execution Agent A. Lopes, L. Botelho Integrating Language Understanding Agents Into the Semantic Web A. Java, T. Finin, S. Nirenburg Integrating knowledge modeling and multi-agent systems M. Gomez, E. Plaza A Temporal Aggregates Ontology in OWL for the Semantic Web F. Pan Web Service Composition as a Planning Task: Experiments using Knowledge-Based Planning E. Martinez, Y. Lesperance Service Level Agreements for Semantic Web Agents N. Oren, A. Preece, T. Norman Semantic Web Service Composition Planning with OWLS-Xplan M. Klusch, A. Gerber, M. Schmidt Integrating Agents, Ontologies, and Semantic Web Services for Collaboration on the Semantic Web M. Stollberg, S. Thomas Protocols for Web Service Invocation C. Walton OWLS-MX: Hybrid OWL-S Service Matchmaking M. Klusch, B. Fries, M. Khalid, K. Sycara Template-based Composition of Semantic Web Services E. Sirin, B. Parsia, J. Hendler Interleaving Semantic Web Reasoning and Service Discovery J. Rao, N. Sadeh Preparing Semantic Agents for an Unsuspecting and Unreliable World L. McDowell Topics of interest ===== The Semantic Web is based on the idea of dynamic, heterogeneous, shared knowledge sources providing machine-readable content in a similar way to that in which information is shared on the World Wide Web. Integral to this vision was a synergy with Multi-Agent Systems technology; agents could utilize this knowledge to achieve their own goals, producing new knowledge that could be disseminated or published within a common framework. Conversely, the Semantic Web would benefit from autonomous, distributed agents responsible for gathering/aggregating knowledge, reasoning and inferring new facts, identifying and managing inconsistencies, and providing trust and security mechanisms. Previous workshops and discussion fora devoted to this topic have mainly focused on either the semantic web aspect or the agent aspect of the problem, and have failed to achieve an agreement on the common research themes. Thus there is a risk of missing significant opportunities for sharing results in areas such as: * Knowledge sharing. The agent paradigm is successfully employed in those applications where autonomous, heterogeneous, and distributed systems need to interoperate in order to achieve a common goal, however this is possible if agents are able to share knowledge. Ontologies are a powerful tool to achieve semantic interoperability among heterogeneous, distributed systems. * Syntactic Unification. Data exchanged between service providers are typically based on different syntaxes and conceptual schemas, raising the problem of data mediation for interoperability. Ontologies, and mechanisms for mapping and translating across ontologies can address these problems. * Discovery of agent capabilities. Semantic-based discovery mechanisms and languages/ontologies for describing agent capabilities and predefined coordination mechanisms are needed to make the automatic discovery of services offered by agents and other providers. * Agent coordination. Goal-directed composition typically involves planning across a space of existing actions, ensuring that data and control flow constraints are satisfied. Model checking techniques are required to ensure valid compositions, as well as temporal reasoning to validate control flow dependences. Such techniques need to accommodate semantic descriptions as well as avoiding live-lock situations that may lead to failure. * Interaction Protocols. Different agents expect specific messages to be choreographed in a precisely defined manner. Integration has to guarantee and enforce the communication protocols. Interoperable description frameworks are thus required to ensure that both parties understand and adhere to interaction protocols. The semantics of the terms used in these protocols is made explicit in ontologies. This symposium aims to promote and foster a greater understanding of the synergy between Multi-Agent Systems and the Semantic Web. Topics of Interest include: - Semantic interoperability and integration - Distributed, autonomous knowledge-management - Dynamic, semantic mapping across ontologies; - Use of negotiation techniques for reaching consensus; - Evolution of ontologies in multi-agent systems; - Scalability and versioning of ontologies in multi-agent systems; - Centralized and Distributed mechanisms for service invocation/ enactment - Failure and Recovery mechanisms - Semantic descriptions of Autonomic mechanisms for robust, coordinated service communities - Semantic description, discovery, and selection of services and choreographies - Semantic Web Services (including OWL-S and WSMO) - Semantics in Agent Communication Languages - Semantics in Interaction Protocols - Semantics in Electronic Institutions - Semantics for service delegation and knowledge aggregation - Architectures for supporting Agents and Web Services within the Semantic Web Dates ===== Registration Deadline: October 7th Symposium: November 3rd-6th Organizing Committee ==================== Terry Payne (Co-chair) University of Southampton Valentina Tamma (Co-chair) University of Liverpool Bijan Parsia University of Maryland David Martin SRI International Simon Parsons City University of New York Nick Gibbins University of Southampton Program Committee ================== Alice Mulvehill, BBN Technologies, MA Alun Preece, University of Aberdeen, UK Andreas Hess, University College, Dublin, Ireland Anupam Joshi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD Boi Faltings, EPFL, Switzerland Brian Blake, Georgetown University, Washington, DC Fabio Casati, HP Labs, CA Chiara Ghidini, ITC, Italy Chris Priest, HP Labs, UK Chris Walton, University of Edinburgh, UK Chris van Aart, NL David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK Dave de Roure, University of Southampton, UK Enrico Motta, Open University, UK Evren Sirin, University of Maryland, MD Fabien Gandon, Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France Filip Perich, Cougar Software, McLean, VA Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL Grit Denker, SRI, CA Michael Huhns, University of South Carolina, SC John Domingue, Open University, UK Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, University of West Florida, FL Jim Blythe, ISI, University of South California, CA Julian Padget, University of Bath, UK Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, PA Ian J. Dickinson, HP Labs, UK Ion Costantinescu, EPFL, Switzerland Kaoru Hiramatsu, NTT Corporation, Japan Mark Burstein, BBN Technologies, MA Mark S. Fox, Univerity of Toronto, Canada Marta Sabou, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL Matthias Klusch, DFKI, Germany Michael Klein, University of Karlsruhe, Germany Monica Crubezy, University of Stanfard, CA Monika Solanki, De Montfort Univeristy, UK Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, NC Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University, PA Onn Shehory, IBM, Israel Ora Lassila, Nokia Paul Buhler, College of Charleston, SC Ramanathan Guha, IBM Almaden Research Center, CA Pete Edwards, University of Aberdeen, UK Richard Benjamins, iSOCO, Spain Ronald Ashri, University of Southampton, UK Ryusuke Masuoka, Fujitsu Labs of America, MD Sheila MacIlraith, University of Toronto, Canada Simon Thompson, BT Labs, UK Stefan Decker, DERI, Ireland Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany Steve Battle, HP Labs, UK Stephen Cranefield, Otago University, New Zeland Steven Willmott, University of Catalunya, Spain David Trastour, HP Labs, UK Mike Uschold, Boeing, WA Walter Binder, EPFL, Switzerland Tim Finin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD Lalana Kagal, MIT, MA Carine Bournez, W3C Ashok Mallya, North Carolina State, NC Mary Pulvermacher, MITRE Corporation, CO Yannis Labrou, Fujitsu Labs of America, MD Yolanda Gil, ISI, University of South California, CA
Received on Monday, 3 October 2005 12:35:29 UTC