Call for Panels/Tutorials/Workshops Proposals (WISE'05)

WISE'05 Call for Panels/Tutorials/Workshops Proposals

In conjunction with
the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering

   for more information please visit:

WISE 2005 aims at presenting novel topics and approaches to Web engineering
in the dynamic, diverse, distributed and ever increasing volume of WWW data
and applications. In particular, we invite researchers, professionals, and
industrial practitioners to share their knowledge of web technologies,
methodologies and applications.

Beyond research and industrial programs, WISE'05 strongly supports
the submissions of proposals for Panel, Tutorials and Workshops programs.

Panel Program
Panel proposals should consist of:

* A title as it will appear in the conference program;
* Full contact information of the panel chair;
* One page *maximum* explaining why the topic is relevant to WISE and timely;
* Included in that page should be a list of two or three issues on
  which panelists are likely to have plausible but differing opinions;
* A list of panelists who have agreed to attend the conference and take
  part in the panel, with an email address for each panelist;
* typical panels have 4-5 members besides the chair.

We encourage the panel chair to submit *draft* transparencies at latest
one month before the panel is held, however, panels should not be 'scripted'.
Proposal (in pdf) for panel program due on June 24, 2005.

To submit a panel proposal, please contact:
      James Geller (

Tutorial Program
Tutorial program will complement the research and industrial tracks.
Tutorial proposals must include an abstract, an outline, a description
of the target audience, and a short bio of the presenter(s).
Proposal (in pdf) for tutorial program due on June 24, 2005.

To submit a tutorial proposal,contact:
      Boualem Benatallah (


The WISE program will include several workshops.
Workshop proposals are due on April 26 2005.

To submit workshop proposals contact:
      Gail Kaiser (

Helen Hye-young Paik 
c/o QUT School of Information Systems
2 George St Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
(P) +61 7 3864 1941 (F) +61 7 3864 1969

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2005 03:27:34 UTC