Final CFP: ICSOC 2005 International Conference on Service Oriented Computing

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                  3rd International Conference
                  on Service-Oriented Computing

                   Amsterdam, the Netherlands
                     December 12-15, 2005

The 3rd International Conference of Service Oriented Computing
(ICSOC'05) follows on the success of two previous editions in
New York City, USA (2004) and Trento,  Italy (2003), and aims at
consolidating as the main reference conference for service oriented
computing and web services, by covering the entire spectrum from
theoretical and foundational results to empirical evaluations as
well as practical and industrial experiences. ICSOC'05 has the goal
of fostering cross-community scientific excellence and establishing
a strong link between research and industry

ICSOC'05 proposes several innovations in the ongoing effort to
further improve the  quality and attractiveness of what was already
a very stimulating conference. We have introduced area coordinators,
who have the key role of reaching out to the different scientific
communities and to support the evaluation and selection of papers
related to the diverse communities. In addition, a "vision
program" will provide presentations on ideas and projects that are
very innovative and promising, but are still in their initial phase,
and therefore did not yet develop solid results. A "demo program"
will act as a link between theory and practical applications,
showing how research results can be put into practice. Finally,
a renewed review process will include a rebuttal phase to let
authors provide feedback on the reviews and help achieve a fair
and thorough evaluation of all papers.

SUBMISSIONS: ICSOC'05 seeks original papers in the field of web
services and service oriented computing, from theoretical and
foundational results to empirical evaluations as well as practical
and industrial experiences, with the emphasis on results that
contribute to solve the many still open research problems that are
of significant impact to the field of service oriented applications.
Topics include but are not limited to the following:

        Service Description, Discovery, and Composition
        Service Monitoring, Deployment
        Service Middleware
        Service-Oriented Architectures
        Service Development and Maintenance
        Programming Models for Service-Oriented Applications
        Methodologies for Service-Oriented Applications
        Novel Business Models for Service-Oriented Applications
        Economical Implications of Web services and SOAs
        Formal Methods for Service-Oriented Architectures
        Service Testing and Validation
        Service Lifecycle Management
        Service Metadata, Semantic Web services
        Mobile, Pervasive, and Grid Services
        Business Process Management and Services
        Agents and Services
        Security and Privacy Issues
        Quality of Services, Exception Handling, Service dependability

ICSOC'05 solicits different kinds of submissions: research papers,
industrial papers,  and demo proposals. In addition, we solicit
submissions of workshops and tutorials.

The ICSCOC'05 proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag.

Workshop proposal submission:   May 15, 2005
Paper abstract submission:      June 24, 2005
Tutorial and panel submission:  July 1, 2005
Full paper submission:          July 1, 2005
Demo Proposals:                 July 30, 2005
Notification of acceptance:     September 10, 2005
Final manuscript due:           October 3, 2005
Workshops and Tutorials:        December 12, 2005
Main conference:                December 13-15, 2005

General Chairs:                 Paco Curbera, IBM Research (USA)
                                Mike Papazoglou, Univ. of Tilburg

Program Chairs:                 Fabio Casati, Hewlett-Packard (USA)
                                Paolo Traverso, ITC-IRST (Italy)
                                Boualem Benatallah, UNSW (Australia)

Local Arrangements Chairs:      Willem Jan van den Heuvel and
                                Kees Leune, Univ. of Tilburg

Industrial Track Chair:         Jean Jacques Dubray, Attachmate (USA)

Demo Chair:                     Schahram Dustdar, Technical University
                                Vienna (Austria)

Panel Chairs:                   Christo ph Bussler, DERI (Ireland) and
                                Mei Hsu (USA)

Tutorial Chairs:                Asit Dan, IBM Research (USA) and
                                Vincenzo D'andrea, Univ. of Trento

Workshop chairs:                Frank Leymann, Univ. of Stuttgart
                                Winfried Lamersdof, Univ. of Hamburg

Financial Chair:                Maurizio Marchese, Univ. of Trento

Publicity Chairs:               Helen Paik, QUT, Brisbane
                                Shonali Krishnaswamy, Monash Univ
                                Michael Sheng, UNSW (Australia)

Roger Barga, Microsoft                  (Middleware)
Elisa Bertino, Purdue                   (Security and Privacy)
Jim Blythe, ISI/USC                     (Automated Planning)
Stefano Ceri, Politecnico Milano        (Databases)
Boi Faltings, EPFL                      (Software Agents)
Ian Foster - ANL & U. Chicago           (WS management/Grid Computing)
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico Milano        (Software Engineering)
Richard Hull, Lucent Tech.              (Semantic Web Services)
Hui Lei,IBM                             (Pervasive, Mobile, and P2P
Ugo Montanari, Univ. Pisa               (Formal Methods)
John Mylopolous, Univ. Toronto          (Requirements Eng -
Colette Roland, University of Paris     (Information Systems)

Conference Web-site:
For more information please send e-mail to:

Helen Hye-young Paik 
c/o QUT School of Information Systems
2 George St Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
(P) +61 7 3864 1941 (F) +61 7 3864 1969

Received on Monday, 20 June 2005 04:18:52 UTC