Re: Yet Another Tool for 20 million triples / request for data

Adrian Walker wrote:

> Simon --
> You wrote...
> SWI Prolog can, in theory, support 20M triples and also has OWL support.
> _
> _From a brief scan of the SWI paper [1] that you mentioned, they seem to 
> conclude that Prolog indexing is insufficient.  They opted for indexing 
> in an extension written in C, rather than trying to support the required 
> performance with Prolog alone.

The extension is transparent to Prolog so the data appears to be in the 
Prolog DB. The C extension loads just like a nromal package and has a 
number of built in indexes described in the the RDF and SemWeb package docs:

I hasten to add that I've not yet tried it with anything really big.

The reason I quite like the idea of a Prolog-based solution is that 
graph queries seem fairly easy to compose in Prolog.

> In case you have time to look at it, we have yet another tool for 20 
> million triples.  It tries to support lightweight English with highly 

Thanks for the pointer. Quite timely as I'm surveying SW tools for data 
mining and machine learning at the moment.



Simon Price, Technical Consultant, Internet Development Group
Institute for Learning and Research Technology

Received on Friday, 26 March 2004 09:10:01 UTC