- From: Chutiporn Anutariya <ca@cs.ait.ac.th>
- Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 22:24:14 +0700
- To: <www-rdf-rules@w3.org>, <dl@dl.kr.org>, <www-rdf-logic@w3.org>
- Cc: "Finn Arve Aagesen" <finnarve@item.ntnu.no>
** We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message. ================== 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS ================== INTELLCOMM'04 The 2004 IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems 23 – 26 November 2004, Bangkok, Thailand http://intellcomm2004.ait.ac.th Background ---------- The Internet and Web provide more connection facilities, hence the interactions between man-man, man-machine and machine-machine will increase and communication will have an important role in modern systems. In order to obtain effective and efficient communication, artistic, social and technical issues have to be tackled in a holistic and integrated manner. Unfortunately, communication techniques, concepts and solutions which have been developed so far treat these issues separately, so that there arises a need for communication researchers and practitioners in different fields (engineering, science and arts) to meet, share their experience and explore all possibilities of developing integrated and advanced solutions which incorporate ideas from such disciplines as communication arts, art design, linguistics, Web technologies, telecommunications, computer science and artificial intelligence. Call for Papers --------------- The 2004 IFIP conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems (INTELLCOMM ’04) is jointly sponsored by IFIP WG 6.7: Smart Networks and WG 6.4: Internet Applications Engineering. The conference will be held at Shinawatra University, Bangkok, Thailand during 23-27 November 2004. Its main objective is to provide an international forum which brings academia, researchers, practitioners and service providers together. The discussion areas will cover the latest research topics and advanced technological solutions in the area of Intelligent Communication Systems, ranging from Architectures for Adaptable Networks and Services and Semantic Web and Web Service Technologies to Applications, Information Management, and Security and Intelligent Service Application Interface and Intelligent Human Interaction. The topics include, but are not limited to: Architectures for Adaptable Networks and Services - Ad hoc Networks - Programmable and Active Networks - Hybrid Networks - Personal, Terminal and Node mobility - Mobile Agents - Location- and Context aware Services - Adaptive Architectures and Protocols - Adaptability and security - Flexible Service Specification, Validation, Creation, Deployment and Discovery - Service composition and WEB services - Open APIs for adaptability triggering and management - Flexible QoS schemes and QoS management - Software Downloading, Plug-and-play and Service Scalability - Configuration Management Semantic Web and Web Service Technologies - Knowledge Representation Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Annotations of Web Data - Ontologies (creation, integration, linking and reconciliation) - Large Scale Knowledge Management - Knowledge Portals - Tools and Methodologies for Multi-Agent Software Systems - Semantic Brokering - Semantic Interoperability - Semantic Web Mining - Semantic/Intelligent Web Services (service description, discovery, invocation, composition and execution) - Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights - Semantic Web for e-Business and e-Learning - Searching and Querying Applications, Information Management and Security - Mobile E-Commerce and Ubiquitous Electronic Markets - Architectures for Procurement, Bidding, Auctions - Information & Communication Platforms for E-commerce, Mobile Agents, Unified Messaging - Multimedia applications - XML Document and Semi-Structured Data Modeling - Query Processing and Optimization of XML Documents and Semi-Structured Data - Data Warehouses - Data Mining - Security, Privacy, and Consumer Protection - Trust and Confidence in Digital Signatures and Certificates - XML Access Control - XML Digital Signature Intelligent Service Application Interface and Intelligent Human Interaction - Intelligent Communication Systems with Dialogue and Natural Language Interfaces - Language Processing in Internet Applications - Multimedia Information Retrieval - Computer Animation - Computer-Based Art and Entertainment - Human Computer Interaction - Information Visualization - Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments The conference will involve the three distinct meetings: tutorial, technical and poster sessions. The first will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of selected topics, the second will present papers on the latest research results highlighting the state of the art in all aspects of intelligent communication systems, the third will outline research plans and proposals. Paper Submission and Reviewing Process -------------------------------------- Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers dealing with original work which, at the time of submission, is not under review or has not been published or accepted for publication in a Journal or by another conference. Papers must be written in English, not exceed 16 pages and conform to the formatting instructions of LNCS, Springer Verlag (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Only electronic submission (PDF format) is accepted via the conference Web site: http://intellcomm2004.ait.ac.th Each paper will be submitted to at least three reviewers. Based on their recommendations, the paper will be classified into: full paper, short paper and poster. Full and short paper will appear in the main proceedings in LNCS: Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). Posters will be published in separate proceedings. Best paper awards will also be conferred on the authors of the best papers at the conference. Selected INTELLCOMM’04 papers will be expanded and revised for inclusion in Computer Networks Journal (http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/comnet), Special Issues on Intelligence in Communication Systems by Elsevier or in Journal on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (http://www.worldscinet.com/ijcpol/ijcpol.shtml). Student Traveling Support ------------------------- INTELLCOMM’04 provides also traveling support for students to participate in the conference. Venue ----- - Shinawatra University, Bangkok, Thailand Conference Organizers --------------------- - Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand (http://www.ait.ac.th) - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway (http://www.ntnu.no) - Shinawatra University, Thailand (http://www.shinawatra.ac.th) Program Committee Co-Chair -------------------------- - Finn Arve Aagesen (NTNU, Norway) - Chutiporn Anutariya (Shinawatra University, Thailand) - Vilas Wuwongse (AIT, Thailand) Program Committee ----------------- - Sebastian Abeck (University Karlsruhe, Germany) - Kiyoshi Akama (Hokkaido University, Japan) - Harold Boley (National Research Council of Canada, Canada) - Raouf Boutaba (Waterloo University, Canada) - Nigel Collier (National Institue of Informatics, Japan) - Phan Minh Dung (AIT, Thailand) - Tapio Erke (AIT, Thailand) - Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria) - Dominique Gaiti (University of Tech. Troyes, France) - Arun Iyengar (IBM Research) - Lorne G. Mason (McGill University) - Olli Martikainen (University of Oulu, Finland) - Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan) - Elie Najm (ENST, Paris, France) - Ekawit Nantajeewarawat (Thamasat University, Thailand) - Bernhard Plattner (ETH Z?rich) - Ana Pont-Sanjuan (Polytechnic University of Valencia) - Aiko Pras (University of Twente, Netherlands) - Guy Pujolle (Laboratoire LIP6, France) - R. Sadananda (AIT, Thailand) - Tadao Saito (University of Tokyo, Japan) - A. B. Sharma (AIT, Thailand) - Marcin Solarski (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany) - Otto Spaniol (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) - James P. G. Sterbenz (BBN Technologies, USA) - Do van Than (NTNU, Norway) - Samir Tohme (ENST Paris, France) - Naoki Wakamiya (Osaka University, Japan) Organizing Committee Chair -------------------------- - Manoo Ordeedolchest (Software Industry Promotion Agency, Thailand) Organizing Committee -------------------- - Chindakorn Tuchinda (Ericsson, Thailand) - Pojanan Ratanajaipan (Shinawatra University, Thailand) - Rachanee Ungrangsi (Shinawatra University, Thailand) Important Dates --------------- - 15 April 04 Deadline for paper submission - 30 June 04 Notification of acceptance - 31 July 04 Camera-ready paper due - 23 November 04 Conference tutorials and workshops - 24-26 November 04 Conference Workshops and Tutorials ----------------------- The INTELLCOMM’04 Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop and Tutorial Program to be held on 23 November 2004, immediately preceding the main conference. We invite proposals for four (half-day) or eight hour (full-day) workshops/tutorials on topics related to the main topics of the conference.
Received on Saturday, 31 January 2004 10:38:05 UTC