- From: Brian McBride <brian.mcbride@hp.com>
- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 16:33:46 -0000
- To: <eric@w3.org>, <www-rdf-rules@w3.org>
I have finally found some time to take a look over the RDF data access charter [1]. I realise these comments are very late, but am sending them in case they might still be useful. 1. The charter states that the principal task of the WG is to define a protocol for subgraph selection. One of the justifications for this WG is that there a number of RDF query languages about and now is a good time to standardize. Whilst my knowledge is somewhat limited, my understanding is that many of the existing query languages focus on variable binding result sets rather than query subgraph extraction, which makes me wonder why this restriction is placed in the charter. I appreciate there is a tricky balance between specifying a job the WG can do in a reasonable time and giving the WG design freedom, but it strikes me that perhaps the form of results required is something the WG might decide based on its requirements. 2. Whilst section states that the principal task of the WG is to define a protocol, much (all?) of the emphasis of the rest of the document is on a query language. As written the charter might be interpretted as implying that the protocol and query language are tightly bound together. I suggest rewording to encourage the working group to adopt a modular design approach, separating the protocol, language design and result encoding. 3. 1.1 There should either also be a Protocol requirements document or a joint document covering both language and and protocol requirements. 4. 1.3 The idea of an abstract syntax is an excellent one. In an analagous manner, I suggest similar benefits acrue from defining a protocol abstraction which can then be bound to various underlying protocol layers, a practice, adopted I believe by the XML protocol WG. Oh, that reminds me, section 1 should say XML protocol, not SOAP, right? 5. 1.5 Relationship to XQuery The relationship to XQuery is important, however, I'm uncomfortable with the way the charter addresses this. I suggest that the WG should be required to "account for the relationship between RDF data access and XML Query" and the WG should be encouraged re-use XML Query and other W3C technologies where appropriate. I am concerned that requiring the WG to produce a translation for RDF data access query language abstract syntax to XML Query may requiring the WG to take on a task that is not essential to its principal task and may thus slow down its completion of that task. 6. 1.6 Extensibility Mechanism I suspect this is just a picky wordsmithing point. To talk about an extensibility mechanism is to suggest that the WG should seek a single mechanism to support extensibility. I think what the charter is trying to say is that the WG is strongly encouraged to produce a design that a) allows for extensability and b) allows multiple extensions to be adopted simulataneously. What the current document does not say, though perhaps implies, is that the WG is encouraged not to try to "boil the ocean", but to limit its work defining a 'small' design that can be extended to support additional requirements. The WG might be encouraged to classify its requirements into 'core' and 'extension'. 7. 1.7 Defined expressivity I'm not sure what this is trying to say. It says the WG will have to make tradeoffs. Sure. Is the charter trying to express some guidance to the WG about how to make those tradeoffs? 8. 1.8 Derived Graphs Again, I'm not sure why this is here. Yes, some RDF graphs are infinite. This is bound to come out in the requirements. Is there something special about this requirement the means it needs special mention in the charter. If so, I didn't understand the significance from the current text. 9. 2.1 RDF Schema/Owl semantics This states that the fact that a graph is virtual (i.e. derived from inference) does not affect the protocol. Is this intended to state that it should not affect the query language either, i.e. you can't say things like "find me all the ground facts such that ..."? 10. RDF Rules "will be useful in the later ..." This implies that the rules WG wills start after/later than the Query WG. Is that still the case? "is not expected to develop such a language" That is weak language. "Development of a rules language is out of scope for this WG". Is there a clear boundary between rules and query? "the groups should ..." This implies the groups are operating simultaneously. "expend minimal effort" That feels weak. Is there a charter requirement that query and rules should work together or not? Does the statement under 1.5 Relationship with XQuery also apply here. The WG's are strongly encouraged to support/use each others stuff, but exactly what that means in practice will only become clear as the work progresses. 11 2.3 Cursors and Proofs. I'm not sure what is meant by cursors here. It could mean that the variable binding functionality of say, Squish is out of scope, or it could be that session state between client and server is not supported. I've commented on the former in section 1. I'm not sure why the latter is ruled out of scope by the charter, even though I'm sympathetic to it being so. I wonder whether a general guideline of "keep it simple" and "don't boil the ocean" is sufficient discouragement that the WG can be relied on to do the right thing based on what it learns about requirements. 12 3. Deliverables and schedule The deliverables are not clearly listed. Phase 1 Deliverables: - protocol requirements, including what bindings will be specified in phase 2. - Query language requirements - An account of the relationship of the Query language to XML Query - An account of the relationship of the Query language to RDF rules - revised schedule Requirements may indicate specific non requirements and postponed requirements. Phase 2 Protocol Deliverables: - an abstract protocol specification At least one of (depending on requirements): - a binding of the abstract protocol to HTTP - a binding of the abstract protocol to XML Protocol Phase 2 Query language Deliverables: - an abstract syntax for the query language - at least one concrete syntax for the query language - semantics of the query language, i.e. a specification of the results that should be produced for any query against any graph - test cases for the query langauge. These are not expected to be a complete conformance test suite, but are expected to illustrate key aspects of the design, to be machine processable and to be a useful indication that compatible implementations exist at the request for PR. - a list of postponed issues - a *small* introductory primer - a validator? The WG is free to organise these deliverables into documents as it sees fit. The WG should consider the use of mathematical methods for specifying the semantics and should bear in mind both the benefits and the costs of the approach its adopts. 12 4. Relationship with other W3C activities - I18N should be mentioned here. The WG should be strongly encouraged to establish an internal champion for internationalization issues who should be/come an expert in internationalization issues, liase on a regular basis with the I18N folks and champion internationalization concerns within the WG. - QA might be mentioned here. Similar to I18N, the WG might be encouraged to establish someone to liase with the QA folks and champion QA issues within the WG. 13. 5.1 Email communication does the charter need to specify the mailing list used? Is www-rdf-rules appropriate? What will the rules working group use? Ah, the same one - that might be a good idea. This is not the natural list to look at for query discussion. I think the RDFCore organization worked well from my point of view. I'd like hear whether folks not on the WG felt we were/are too isolated. RDFCore generated a lot of traffic on ocasions - I'm not sure folks on the general lists really want all that stuff in their inbox. Similarly, wider discussion can get pretty fierce and undiscipined too, e.g. the tag list. I'd suggest giving the WG(s) a public list of their own for technical discussion. I'd suggest: - www-rdf-da-wg a public list for WG admin/technical discussion - www-rdf-da-comment a public comments list for formal communication with the WG 14. 5.4 Face-to-Face Meetings RDFCore didn't have enough f2f meetings. I wonder if every three months might be appropriate. I'm wondering about the chair inviting observers to 'participate in decision making'. Is there a rationale for this. That's it on a quick read, apart from the timescale. The requirements will be settled at a f2f in June, thats probably the end of June. Can there be a WD by the end of August, given holidays etc. Yes, if the there is a good enough starting point for whatever strawman is selected. Its impossible to accurately estimate the development time, but what we have here looks impossibly tight to me. The schedule from last call to REC also looks incredible to me. I don't think this can be done in a year and its only fair on folks who join to give them a reasonable estimate of the commitment they are making. Brian [1] http://www.w3.org/2003/10/RDF-Query-Charter $Id: RDF-Query-Charter.html,v 1.25 2003/12/01 16:59:18 eric Exp $
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