Re: Pondering RDF Path

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Libby Miller <> writes:

> On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>> > Damian Steer has come up with an implementation of
>> > an RDF path syntax as an addition to Saxon:
>> That's interesting, especially in that it doesn't appear to conflate
>> nodes and arcs since it uses RDF/XML's striping. But I wonder how it
>> handles stuff such as
>> <foaf:Person><foaf:knows><foaf:Person/></></>--will it make the
>> internally nested Person available from the root, or does one have to
>> //foaf:Person to get it? And if so, would //rdf:type match rdf:type as
>> a node or an arc, or both? (I've not got Java on this box... will test
>> shortly; I looked at the "README", which made some things clearer).

See below. I haven't implemented the descendant axis yet because it
may turn nasty :-).

> I hope Damian will reply to this - he has more documentation in
> progress.

Two day old draft at:


Hope this makes things clearer. I've added a bit about XPath -> RDF
Query at the end. I see it as an efficiency thing, but you can see
there's a close relationship. One thing I should note is that Squish
is more useful than a single XPath expression. You can pick off useful
bits using SELECT. XPath just returns a nodeset. But using XSLT makes
it useful.

>> > I really like the idea of an RDF path syntax, because I think
>> > that it might enable the huge community of XSLT users to
>> > get to grips with RDF quickly without dealing with the syntax,
>> > and using the XML tools they are used to.
>> Absolutely!

Yeah, this is the idea behind RDFTwig and TreeHugger. They 'subvert'
XPaths for RDF use. I hope my draft makes this clear. I intially
thought that TreeHugger would be a useful 'crutch' for XML people
using RDF, but I'm finding it pretty useful myself. Read into that
what you will :-)

> I agree. I guess I was thinking that it would be interesting to attatch
> the paths to a database. I use queries even for api-level stuff when it
> comes to databases in my own implementation, so I'm kind of query
> obsessed :)

Indeed. I've been messing about with squish to make it my ideal api
(too many iterators in normal apis). I'll post my increasingly silly
additions here when I've finished the write up.

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Received on Friday, 5 September 2003 07:36:45 UTC