New (Last Call) XML Query specs from W3C

2 May 2003: Ten NEW working drafts published (two going to Last Call, one new, seven updates)
*	2 May 2003: The NEW Xpath and XQuery Grammar pages have been updated to conform to the latest specifications.
*	2 May 2003: NEW "DIFF" versions are available for the Data Model, XQuery, and XPath2 specifications.


Note that "Query 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model" and
"XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators" are in Last Call now.
This is the "we think we're done" stage, see
for more formal explanation of what "Last Call" means for W3C process.

Regarding the specs, and their relationship to RDF Query (and Rules) work...
a few disjointed notes. could be of interest to RDF folk 
since a number of the constructs defined there, esp binary relationships, 
may have obvious re-use in RDF Query systems.

The specs doesn't explicitly call out RDF as a use case or requirement, 
although some folks have I believe experimented with using XQuery to 
target XML-encoded RDF. (Libby? got a pointer to any of that work?)

I encourage folks here to take a look at these specs. Even if it turns out 
that XML Query is not readily applicable to the task of querying RDF, I believe
anyone building an RDF query system, or proposing an RDF query language 
should be familiar with the work of the XML Query effort. 



Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 10:55:49 UTC