[Fwd: Re: Question regarding open vs closed formulas (n3)]

Sorry, I meant to Reply All.  Here is my reply...

-----Forwarded Message-----

> From: Seth Ladd <seth@brivo.net>
> To: Jeff Heflin <heflin@cse.lehigh.edu>
> Subject: Re: Question regarding open vs closed formulas (n3)
> Date: 26 Jun 2003 11:23:15 -0400
> On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 09:52, Jeff Heflin wrote:
> > Seth,
> > 
> > It sounds like your problem is that the Semantic Web is an open world.
> > Think of it this way, if you don't already have a closed list of what
> > Bob owns, then how do you know when you've come across all of the
> > triples of form :Bob :owns :x? There could always be another one on some
> > website you haven't see yet.
> Exactly!  I'm fine w/ the SemWeb being open world.  My point, is that if
> it IS an open world, how can any n3 formula w/ variables ever complete
> its search for matches?
> You're right in that I don't know if I've come across all of the triples
> of form :Bob :owns ?x.  So if I write this as a n3 formula, it should
> never return.  But it does return w/ results.  This leads me to believe
> that cwm treats its outer most formula as closed.  Is that correct?
> Thanks for the discussion!
> Seth

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 15:42:12 UTC