RE: Query use cases


"the query should return only the list head and NOT start part way down" in
the result set


-----Original Message-----
From: Seaborne, Andy [] 
Sent: 11 September 2002 12:57
To: 'Graham Klyne'
Cc: Barnell, Alex; 'RDF Rules'
Subject: RE: Query use cases


That's an interesting example (daml:collection) - presumably it suggests the
query should return only the list head and start part way down (unlikely the
query would do this match but possible).  I didn't notice anything DQL about
this - maybe I missed it.

The same is true of RDF alt/seq/bag - in many application situations it
would be nicest to mask the RDF encoding of the compound structure and
return a 

Alex Barnell has been doing some work here on "RDFObjects" which provides
applications with a view of the RDF data as structured data items (e.g.
action items for working groups, vCards or iCal entries).

Is this way of thinking about it - as higher level data abstractions - what
is going on, do you think?

Would submit an example at, run by Alberto
Reggiori, which is a collection of query examples even if it's a use case
with no solution.

As to query discussion - www-rdf-rules is the only place I know of.


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Klyne [] 
Sent: 10 September 2002 16:26
To: Andy Seaborne
Cc: RDF Rules
Subject: Query use cases

I may be losing track, but are the query use-case discussions still 
proceeding?  If so, on which mailing list?  (I think it was www-rdf-rules.)

I think I've encountered a new requirement (or desiderata), namely to 
construct a query that iterates (somehow) over a daml:collection style of

Any thoughts out there?

I think I can modify my variable-binding query processor to support 
recursive query processing (selectively rebinding some of the query

Maybe I'm only seeing this as an issue because I use the results (variable 
bindings) from one query to constrain the results of a subsequent query?


At 05:34 PM 6/5/02 +0100, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>Hi there,
>After WWW2002 and other discussions, I have been thinking about 
>gathering together a set of query use cases by asking the users of RDF 
>query systems.


Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2002 15:41:12 UTC