recent presentations "Introduction to RuleML", "Rules and DAML", "Description Logic Programs"

Hi folks,  Dan Brickley suggested I cross-post the following from the Joint 
Committee list.

1. I and Harold Boley are doing a presentation to the Joint Committee today 

"Introduction to RuleML", see

2. I did on 10/17-18/2002 a related presentation on "Rules and DAML" at the 
DAML PI Meeting, see

I with Mike Dean will be within the next few weeks also creating more 
introduction/tutorial materials about RuleML and Rules for Semantic Web, as 
part of a...

3. new DAML Rules effort and site, which will soon be at

This was an action item outcome of the overall DAML PI Meeting -- to focus 
major-ly on Rules and RuleML, including esp. for Services.

4. I and  Ian Horrocks have done a working paper and a complementary talk 
"Description Logic Programs:  Combining Logic Programs with Description Logic",
which provides in particular KR theory for RuleML rules on top of OWL/RDFS 
ontologies, see

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 15:32:43 UTC