Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: RDF Query and Rule languages use cases and survey

Enrico Franconi wrote:

> On June 25, Alberto Reggiori writes:
> > a survey about Use Cases and practical examples about how to query
> > and access remotely RDF databases.
> I wonder whether it is already in the scope of this survey to collect
> cases where also an ontology (say, in DAML+OIL) is involved.
> I have in mind very simple cases (i.e., very simple query with a very
> simple ontology in a realistic scenario) which may be challenging for
> the current RDF query tools.

yes sure! DAML+OIL contributions are more than welcome! one of the main
goals of the survey is to help the RDF developers community to share ideas
and stimulate discussions about query/rules languages as well as store and
retrieval software systems; at the same time we are trying to collect a set
of real-world use cases and practical scenarios about how people are doing
RDF data and information modeling. It is in our hope that such information
will challenge existing software communities and it will help to address
important software design decisions.

> Another question would be if I can describe the cases and the examples
> in a naive syntax (say, in graph format), since I know very little of
> the syntactical idiosyncrasies of RDF.

we are providing a Web interface to contribute use cases and example
contributions via HTML forms

by using the above URL your can also browse through the current use cases
and query examples database. Differently, you are free to post the text of
your contributions to this list for discussion; in that case, we will
provide to integrate your information into the RDF database

hope this helps


Received on Monday, 1 July 2002 04:16:43 UTC