Re: What is an RDF Query?

> But there's no way to say 'tell me....' in RDF.

There's no way to say anything useful in RDF without extending it.
It's fairly straightforward (a reasonable exercise in engineering) to
extend it to enable you to say "tell me".

> graph really would mean something different when used as a query from 
> when used as an assertion. The English sentences "Joe is fat" and "Is 
> Joe fat?" are closely related in meaning, but they aren't the same 
> sentence. Writing a piece of rdf with <rqf>... </rqf> around it would 
> be like adding a question mark to an English assertional sentence to 
> make it into a query.

Give the English sentence, in quotes, '"Joe is fat."' I can make
assertions or questions.   I can say 'It is true that "Joe is fat."'
and I can say 'Is it true that "Joe is fat."?'

I imagine RDF playing the "Joe is fat." bit in both assertions and
queries.  I think it can play the other bit too, but I don't care
enough to go on about that now.   Certainly not on day when you're
playing the other side.....

> > > Well, RDF has them, so relax :-)
> >
> >Thank you.   <big><sigh of relief /> :-) </big>
> I said in the *assertion* language, mind. <;-/>

Does it have them enough to do the right thing (and turn into
universal variables) if I put some RDF inside an "is it true that...."

    -- sandro

Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2001 17:25:06 UTC