Re: definitions of queries vs. rules

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I worry that there are things in queries that should not be in rules.
> Consider DB query systems like (gasp) SQL.  Do we want all the baggage of
> something like SQL in the antecedants of rules?  Do we even want everything
> in a cleaner rule algebra in the antecedants of rules?

Peter, do you have an example of such a clean rule algebra?

> On the other hand, I applaud the limitation of the ``right-hand side'' of
> rules to assertions.  I would worry a whole lot more if rules in
> representational systems could perform arbitrary actions in their
> ``right-hand side''.

fully agreed with that!

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 8 September 2001 05:49:28 UTC