Re: How do RDF and Formal Logic fit together?

From: "Pat Hayes" <>

> >>  >That might be an interesting train of thought.  There is nothing that
> >>  >prevents RDF graphs from including (and\or referencing) programs.
> >>
> >>  You mean, because a URI could refer to some code? Or in some other
> >
> >Yes.  But not only can it refer to code by URI, but it can also construct
> >complete programs of smaller modules of code.
> How? That is, how would one describe this construction process in RDF?

I meant that RDF data structures (labeled directed graphs) could *be* the
code, they don't need to be only relegated to describing the code.  I gave
examples in the mentographs.

> >Interpreters of RDF can run
> >on the RDF to execute programs.
> Why would you call that an *RDF* interpreter, though?

An 'interpreter is a traditional name for a program that interprets a data
structure to run a program. For example the Java virtual machine is a
interpreter which interprets Java byte code to run a program.

Seth Russell

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 19:32:53 UTC