Re: Expressiveness of RDF as Rule Conclusion Language (was Re: W hat is an RDF Query? )

Drew McDermott wrote:
> ...
>  >  Can someone give me a test case which shows where the difference is?
> ...
> The simplest case is this one: If P->Q is an implication, then it
> enables you to infer not-P from not-Q.  If it is an inference rule, it
> allows you to infer Q from P, period. 
> ...
> Gerd provided a lot of useful examples as well, although perhaps he
> too faithfully obeyed the principle of latino gullibilum impressis.

I always liked the example that was given in the KIF documentation 
(KIF 3.0 Ref. Manual,

"The rationale for using monotonic rules in knowledge representation, 
instead of implications, is twofold. On the one hand, the ``directed'' 
character of rules can simplify the task of developing efficient inference 
procedures. On the other hand, in some cases, replacing <<= by <= would be 
semantically unacceptable. For instance, the rules

  (<<= (status-known ?x) (citizen ?x))
  (<<= (status-known ?x) (not (citizen ?x)))

allow us to infer (status-known Joe) only if one of the sentences 

  (citizen Joe),  (not (citizen Joe))

can be inferred. Replacing the rules by implications would make 
(status-known ?x) identically true."

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 10:23:43 UTC