David Toman
Fabio Ciravegna
João Manuel R. S. Tavares
- Workshop "Medical Imaging Systems" within EUROMEDIA 2010 - Announce & Call for Papers
- Symposium "Image Processing and Analysis" within the ICCES'10 USA - Announce & Call for Contributions
Li Ding
Pan, Dr Jeff Z.
- [CFP] ESWC2010 Ontology and Reasoning Track: FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (Abstract Deadline: 15th Dec)
- [CFP] ESWC2010 Ontology and Reasoning Track: CALL FOR PAPERS
SIGIR 2010 Announcements
- ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions
- ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Papers
- ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Workshop Proposals
- ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Posters and Demos
- ACM SIGIR 2010: Call for Tutorials
Tania Tudorache
- Call for Posters: 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)
- Call for System Demonstrations: 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)