- From: SIGIR 2010 Announcements <announce@sigir2010.org>
- Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 01:36:39 +0200
- To: IRList@lists.shef.ac.uk, asis-l@asis.org, siguse-l@asis.org, jesse@listserv.utk.edu, ntcir@nii.ac.jp, maillist@afnlp.org, mt-list@eamt.org, trec-blog@nist.gov, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, eu_members@aclweb.org, elsnet-list@mailman.let.uu.nl, uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU, corpora@uib.no
Call for Posters and Demos The 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference 19-23 July 2010 Geneva, Switzerland Poster presentations offer researchers an opportunity to present significant work in progress or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Poster presentations further provide researchers with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the poster session. Poster submissions are welcomed in areas related to any aspect of Information Retrieval (IR) as identified in the call for contributions. Posters should focus on problems and methodology of the presented research. Submissions describing the work will be reviewed and the ones accepted will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions of extended abstracts for posters must be in English and should not exceed 2 pages in SIGIR format (including references and figures). Suitable LaTeX and Word templates for SIGIR are available from the ACM Website (for LaTeX, use "Option 2"). The only accepted format for submissions is PDF. As with full papers, authors should conceal their identity where it is practical to do so. Poster papers must be submitted electronically at the poster track of the conference submission system. This submission site is expected to become operational soon. POSTER CO-CHAIRS: Peter Bruza, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy Ellen Voorhees, NIST, USA IMPORTANT DATES: 12 Feb 2010 Posters submission deadline 24 Mar 2010 Author notification of acceptance
Received on Thursday, 10 December 2009 23:37:22 UTC