ANNOUNCEMENT: Debugging OWL Ontologies using special-edition of Swoop

Dear All,
Since the release of Swoop v2.2.1 [1], we have been
working on extending the OWL ontology debugging
support in the tool. For more information on this
(including detailed illustrations of the debugging
features), visit:
A special-edition release of Swoop containing all the
new debugging features is available on the page, along
with a list of sample ontologies used for testing
purposes. See the readme.txt included in the download
for details on how to access and use these features.

Note that the work is still (very much) research in
progress. Feel free to send us any comments, thoughts,
suggestions on this topic.
Also, if you have examples of erroneous ontologies
(i.e. with unsatisfiable classes), please don't throw
them! Instead, mail them to us (at the Swoop-devel
list [2]) and we'll see what kind of debugging support
would be helpful in those cases.

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Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 17:14:27 UTC