Re: Example of rdf:type and rdfs:subClassOf

Thanks.  From everyone's comments [1,2,3], I guess that either OWL or RDFS
entailment is required, right?  RDF alone doesn't define inferencing for
subclasses (or support much of any inferencing really).


[1] Jos:
i.e. making use of rdfs-rule

[2] Jeremy:
A point is that this is an rdfs rule - so if you are only using rdf or 
simple entailment, and not rdfs or owl entailment the result does not 
[3] Claudio Gutierrez:
The statements make sense only in the framework of RDFS (it uses 
rdfs:subClassOf, etc.), hence i am assuming your question is about 

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Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 16:19:35 UTC