Re: Example of rdf:type and rdfs:subClassOf

>>A quick question:  I just looking for some confirmation.  If I have the
>>  rdf:type <b> ;
>>  rdf:type <e> .
>>  rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
>>  rdfs:subClassOf <c> ;
>>  rdfs:subClassOf <d> .
>><c> rdf:type rdfs:Class .
>><d> rdf:type rdfs:Class .
>><e> rdf:type rdfs:Class .
>>The would the following statements be true?  (That is, can they be 
> inferred?)
>><a> rdf:type <c> .
>><a> rdf:type <d> .
>>This is probably a trivial question; I'm just looking for some 
> clarification. 

> i.e. making use of rdfs-rule
> {?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B. ?S a ?A} => {?S a ?B}.
> where the property ' a ' is N3 shorthand for rdf:type

A point is that this is an rdfs rule - so if you are only using rdf or 
simple entailment, and not rdfs or owl entailment the result does not 


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 09:53:29 UTC