CFP: International Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Systems (MIOS)

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                         CALL FOR PAPERS

 "International Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Systems" 
                           (MIOS 2004) 


                           28 Oct 2004
                         Larnaca, Cyprus

            In conjunction with the federated conferences
             "On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 
                    and Ubiquitous Computing 2004" 
                           (OTM 2004)


               Proceedings published by Springer LNCS

The digital revolution has just begun. Globalization, increasing 
competitive pressure, mergers and acquisitions and, above all, new 
technological innovations force many enterprises to undergo drastic 
changes that cannot be coped with traditional change and 
restructuring programs. 

Flexibility has become the new guiding principle for companies and 
requires flexible structures and business processes based on modern 
IT-infrastructures. At the core of this change processes are inter-
organizational systems (IOS) which enable the integration of business 
processes between companies thus increasing flexibility of the 
business system and improving inter-company collaboration in value 

Those inter-organizational information systems are enabled by 
innovations in information and communication technologies, primarily 
the emergence of the Internet. However, many current practice 
initiatives in this field have not fully met expectations. One of 
the main reasons for this can be found in a lack of proven procedures 
to define cross-enterprise business processes and in the high level 
of complexity associated with the modeling of large value networks.

The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers working on 
different emerging topics concerning inter-organizational systems 
and cross-enterprise collaboration, covering issues ranging from 
modeling, conception and realization of inter-company application 
systems to standards and integration of application systems. The 
goal of the workshop is to present innovative research approaches, 
especially around the questions of

* How should cross-enterprise business processes be modeled? 
* How should IOS be modeled, designed and implemented?
* How should respective business semantics be defined and what are 
  the respective challenges in e-business standardization?

Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:

Cross-enterprise business processes, e.g. 

* Modeling cross-enterprise business processes (methodology, tools, 
* Reference models for cross-enterprise business processes 
* Cross-enterprise workflow management
* Automatic negotiation and assessment of business protocols 

IOS modeling, e.g.

* Modeling IOS from cross-enterprise business processes
* Modeling IOS architectures and compositions
* System components, application components, frameworks and 
* Comprehensive protocols stacks
* Interoperability, testing and verification

Business semantics and standardization, e.g.

* Methodological standards
* Business domain standards, e.g. accounting, billing, payment, 
  SCM, purchasing
* Business protocols standards

Submission Requirements
We are looking for articles on current or recently finished research 
projects as well as articles from practitioners. Papers should contain 
3000 - 5000 words and should be submitted in PS, PDF or MS-Word format 
via the following URL:

Accepted papers will be published along with the OTM 2004 Workshop 
Proceedings on Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Author 
instructions and style sheets can be found at the Springer site 

The authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to send an 
extended version of the paper to be published in the Journal of 
Enterprise Information Management. For information about the journal 
please refer to

Important Dates
Paper Submission:               July 4th, 2004
Notification of Acceptance:     August 4th, 2004
Camera Ready Paper Due:         August 20th, 2004
MIOS04 Workshop:                October 28th, 2004

Program Co-Chairs
Antonia Albani (
Business Information Systems and Systems Engineering
University of Augsburg, Germany

Klaus Turowski (
Business Information Systems and Systems Engineering
University of Augsburg, Germany	  

Program Committee
Antonia Albani       University of Augsburg, Germany
Bernhard Bauer       University of Augsburg, Germany
Joerg Becker         University of Muenster, Germany
Radu D. Bercaru      National Institute for R&D in Informatics, Romania
Peter Bernus         Griffith University, Australia
Christoph Bussler    National University of Ireland, Ireland
Emmanuel delaHostria Rockwell Automation, USA
Jan L.G. Dietz       Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Klaus R. Dittrich    University of Zuerich, Switzerland
Rony G. Flatscher    Vienna University of Economics and 
                     Business Administration, Austria
Michael Huhns        University of South Carolina, USA
Zahir Irani          Brunel University, UK
Stefan Klein         University College Dublin, Ireland
Peter Loos           Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Arturo Molina        CSIM-ITESM, Mexico 
Moira Norrie         Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
Oliver Roos          Intel GmbH, Germany
Michael Rosemann     Queensland University of Technology, Australia 
Klaus Turowski       University of Augsburg, Germany 
Vijay K. Vaishnavi   Georgia State University, USA

Received on Friday, 7 May 2004 12:45:56 UTC