Re: evidence for forall? [was: test based on OWL guide...]

> On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 18:41, Jos De_Roo wrote:
> [...]
> > Also triggered by your chump
> >
> > (which reminded me about what I read some years ago
> >
>  <-
> I'm studying this stuff, but I don't see how it deals
> with universal quantification. The basic inference
> step that cwm uses is generalized modus ponens, e.g.
>            { ?X a :Man } => { ?X a :Mortal }.
>            :socrates a :Man.
>            ===========>
>            :socratese a :Mortal.
> What's the analog in Artemov's LP?

I'm studying it too...
Looking into
Definition 5.1. The language of Logic of Proofs (LP) contains
[] the language of classical propositional logic which includes
   propositional variables, truth constants T, B, and boolean
[] proof variables x0 ... xn ..., proof constants a0 ... an ...
[] function symbols: monadic !, binary . and +
[] operator symbol of the type "term:formula"


Definition 5.2. We define the system LP0 in the language of LP.
[A0] Finite set of axiom schemes of classical propositional logic
[A1] t:F -> F                                        "reflection"
[A2] t:(F -> G) -> (s:F -> (t.s):G)                 "application"
[A3] t:F -> !t:(t:F)                              "proof checker"
[A4] s:F -> (s+t):F, t:F -> (s+t):F                         "sum"
Rule of inference:
[R1] F -> G, F |- G                                "modus ponens"

The system LP is LP0 plus the rule
[R2] A |- c:A, if A is an axiom A0-A4, and c a proof constant
                                            "axiom necessitation"

no need for quantifiers in a language of logic of proof;
they belong to the object language of predicate logic
and they are for instance explicitly mentioned in proof
 { { [ iw:Variable "?X" ] = :socrates.
     [ iw:Variable "?X" ] a :Man } =>
   { :socrates a :Man } }  =>
{ :socrates a :Mortal }.
which is a proof of
:socrates a :Mortal.


> > I'm not understanding how consistency can be proved -
> > for inconsistency tests I can understand that the proof is a
> > construction like {triples} => {{triples} inconsistentWith theory}
> > where {} is more or less like box-ing but for consistency ???
> Exhibiting a model is one (constructive?) way to prove consistency.

I believe he showed that consistency is a special
case of reflection (i.e. provableT(false)->false)
which is not provable; it is not a case of
his explicit reflection (which is provable)
i.e. there is no specific proof of false.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 17:42:28 UTC