evidence for forall? [was: test based on OWL guide...]

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 18:41, Jos De_Roo wrote:
> Also triggered by your chump
> http://rdfig.xmlhack.com/2003/09/23/2003-09-23.html#1064349895.329315
> (which reminded me about what I read some years ago
> http://www.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~sartemov/publications/spinoza.ps)
 <- http://www.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~sartemov/publ.html

I'm studying this stuff, but I don't see how it deals
with universal quantification. The basic inference
step that cwm uses is generalized modus ponens, e.g.

	{ ?X a :Man } => { ?X a :Mortal }.
	:socrates a :Man.
	:socratese a :Mortal.

What's the analog in Artemov's LP?

> I'm not understanding how consistency can be proved -
> for inconsistency tests I can understand that the proof is a
> construction like {triples} => {{triples} inconsistentWith theory}
> where {} is more or less like box-ing but for consistency ???

Exhibiting a model is one (constructive?) way to prove consistency.

> --
> Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/
Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 12:18:19 UTC