Re: Some questions about the exact meanings

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 11:51, Chris Menzel wrote:
> I think that's just Tanel's question, though.  Do you really want
> "Loves", say, to be classified as a symmetric relation if it just
> happens to turn out in one's domain that all love is requited?

I'm not sure what you mean by "in one's domain," but
the WG asked itself this question

and decided, 21 Nov 2002, yes.

Hmm... the decision rationale is kinda hard to find...
surfing around, it seems that JJC's proposal of
18 Nov was sufficient to convince the WG:

It seemed to come down to "because that's the way
it is in the current draft and nobody's arguing
to change it." I don't find that wholly satisfying,
but I don't have any big problems with this design,
and as far as I know, neither does anybody else.

We have several relevant tests
and lots of folks reporting that they passed the tests;
i.e. they thought the design was reasonable enough to code it up.

> Chris Menzel
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2003 13:18:54 UTC