Re: Reasoning with datatype restriction predicates


Thanks for your comments.

It seems we are moving along similar lines...

At 12:14 14/11/03 +0000, Jeff Z. Pan wrote:
>Like OWL DL, we don't assume a datatype property to be functional in
>our approach;

That's the conclusion I came to.  Some of the results (in the absence of 
explicit cardinality constraints) may be surprising.  One of my test cases:

     xsd_boolean:And a rdfd:GeneralRestriction ;
       rdfd:onProperties (rdf:_1 rdf:_2 rdf:_3) ;
       rdfd:constraint xsd_boolean:and .

combined with this:
     test:and06 a xsd_boolean:And ;
       rdf:_1 "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
       rdf:_2 "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
       rdf:_3 "true"^^xsd:boolean .
(where the value of rdf:_1 is intended to be the conjunction)

yields this:
     test:and06 a xsd_boolean:And ;
       rdf:_1 \"false\"^^xsd:boolean ;
       rdf:_2 \"false\"^^xsd:boolean ;
       rdf:_3 \"true\"^^xsd:boolean .
(because the original value of rdf:_1 is taken to be a value in some other 
tuple).  Adding a cardinality constraint has the desired effect of forcing 
an inconsistency to be recognized.

>we can, however, set it as functional by using a
>property axiom, e.g. in OWL abstract syntax:
>DatatypeProperty(ex:age Functional),
>or in  Notation 3:
>ex:age a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty .

OK.  I don't currently have a separate cardinality reasoner, so this is 
academic for me, but I see the point.  (But see final comments below.)

>It is possible, therefore, for a datatype property (of an object) to
>have multiple values, like you mentioned in your sideLength example.
>Thus it makes sense to allow cardinality constraints.
>The general (abstract) syntax for cardinality constraints for datatype
>expressions is as follows:
>restriction({datavaluedPropertyID}  cardinality datatypeExpression)
>E.g.  we can describe a customer who has at least 5 friends' email
>addresses which are from the same domain as his own email address(es):
>SubClassOf(ex:FriendlyCustomer ex:Customer)
>Class(ex:FriendlyCustomer partial
>     restriction(:eAddress :friendseAddress
>                         minCardinality("5"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger )
>                         (email:sameDomainAs)
>                         )
>            )
>Or in Notation 3:
>ex:FriendlyCustomer a owl:Class;
>     rdfs:subClassOf ex:Customer;
>      rdfs:subClassOf
>     [owlx:onProperties (:eAddress :friendseAddress)
>      owl:minCardinality "5"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>      owlx:constraints (email:sameDomainAs)]
>Note that a customer might have more than one email addresses,
>therefore we are actually counting tuples here.

Yup.  That's how mine is working.  The And rule above becomes:

     xsd_boolean:And a rdfd:GeneralRestriction ;
       rdfd:onProperties (rdf:_1 rdf:_2 rdf:_3) ;
       rdfd:constraint xsd_boolean:and ;
       rdfd:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

Interestingly, once I got the tuple-cardinality logic working, I found that 
other aspects of the datatype inference process became simpler.

>The above general form is very expressive, which doesn't mean users
>can't use some restricted forms of it in their applications. There are
>quite a few special/simplified forms of  cardinality constraints for
>datatype expressions:
>1) to constrain how many values a datatype property (of an object) can
>have: use only one datatype property and set the constraint as
>rdfs:Literal, which means no constraints; e.g.
>ex:A a owl:Class
>     rdfs:subClassOf
>     [owlx:onProperties (:eAddress)
>      owl:minCardinality "2"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>      owlx:constraints (rdfs:Literal)];
>2) to constrain how many tuples of values a set of datatype properties
>can have: set the constraint as rdfs:Literal; e.g.
>ex:B a owl:Class
>     rdfs:subClassOf
>     [owlx:onProperties (:eAddress,:friendseAddress)
>      owl:minCardinality "5"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>      owlx:constraints (rdfs:Literal,rdfs:Literal)];
>3) to constrain how many values of a datatype property (of an object)
>satisfy the constraint: use only one datatype property, and use a
>unary constraint; e.g.
>ex:C a owl:Class
>     rdfs:subClassOf
>     [owlx:onProperties (:eAddress)
>      owl:minCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>      owlx:constraints (email:fromUK)].

Yes... I'm thinking that I can adapt my datatype reasoner to perform 
OWL-like cardinality reasoning as well.  I think I can write a rule parser 
to recognize the relevant OWL constructs in an RDF graph, and generate 
(what I call) a rule  to perform the corresponding inference.  But that's 
not high on my priorities right now.

Currently, I only have a maxCardinality constraint implemented on my 
datatype constraints ... drawing conclusions from minCardinality feels a 
bit non-monotonic to me (but that won't stop me if I encounter an 
application that needs it.)

>In addition, similar to the someValuesFrom and allValuesFrom
>restrictions on objects, we have someTuplesSatisfy and
>allTuplesSatisfy restrictions on datatypes. I am not sure if you have
>tried them in your test cases though.

An interesting thought.  It's not something for which I'm aware of any 
immediate requirement, but I'll bear it in mind.



Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Friday, 14 November 2003 18:16:00 UTC