RE: NCI oncology ontology

> I would guess Jeremy is talking about the OWL Lite
> version of the NCI ontology, which can be found at
> and is described in the paper

Thanks I was.

I ran it through my syntax checker (which involved fixing a performance bug
which prevented processing so many triples).

It's not Lite, you know. The problem is:

 <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:ID="Synonym">
  <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#long_string" />


AnnotationProperty's are not allowed any ontology markup, including

Suggest change this to my:range, where my:range is a new AnnotationProperty
with rdfs:comment such as:

  This is applied to annotation properties, and has the same informal
semantics as rdfs:range.

If you want to formally process that, you can by taking just a little bit of
OWL Full and adding a single triple like
  my:range rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:range.

[Sean and I were having a competition - I think we both lost! My code needed
the performance fix (and still needs an error message fix), his code (used
to) miss this range on AnnotationProperty case].


Received on Friday, 14 November 2003 07:25:09 UTC