Properties of Resources that Need More than One URI to be Identified

One basic premise of RDF is that any non-anonymous resource can be 
identified by a URI.  But what if that wasn't true?  What if there was a 
resource that needed _two URIs_ for it to be identified?  In this case, each 
URI, in the context of itself, could describe something completely different 
from the thing identified by both URIs!  What would be the properties of 
such a resource?

For instance, say I wish to identify a file on my computer on another 
(internet and network disabled) computer.  Note that I don't care about 
getting the representation for that file, just identifing it.  I can't just 
use the file: protocol since that is useful only in the context of a 
specific machine.  However, I could use the file: scheme if I also used an 
address: scheme (that latter specifies the location on the Earth of the 
computer) in context.  Order is important, the address: URI wouldn't make 
sense in the context of the file: uri.

Unfortunately, RDF doesn't seem to handle reosurces that need multiple URIs 
for identification.  This is troubling to me, since I have come across other 
situations where I need more than one (or two!) URIs for a concrete 
identification.  It would be nice; however, if there was a way to combine 
several URIs into one identification string.

Any suggestions or help?

-- Jimmy Cerra

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Received on Monday, 10 November 2003 17:57:45 UTC