Re: MISC: Internet Media Type registration: proposed TAG finding

On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 11:35, patrick hayes wrote:
> >It wouldn't be unprecedented, by the way:
> >
> >
> Wow, scales fall from my eyes!

Why is this so crazy? It doesn't seem interestingly
different from wtr in KIF.

> Seriously, that document (1) does not define logical truth in any way 
> whatsoever (2) says this: - <rdfs:Class 
> rdf:about="">
>    <rdfs:comment>Something which is true: belive it as you would 
> belive this. Understood natively by cwm in that it will execute rules 
> in a formula declared a Truth within a formula it is already taking 
> rules from.</rdfs:comment>
> which seems to indicate that log#Truth in fact is simply supposed to 
> mean 'asserted', which is perfectly meaningful, but is not the same 
> as 'logically true'.

Er... close to that; it's a de-quoting mechanism.

> And in fact, the document does not define *any* 
> meanings in RDF, or constrain the RDF interpretations, in any way 
> whatsoever. It is just English with RDF decorations added. (The CWM 
> code might be said to be a kind of implicit machine-readable 
> constraint on interpretations of this vocabulary - along the lines of 
> 'this means whatever it takes to make CWM produce valid conclusions' 
> - but it goes well beyond what an RDF engine would be able to make 
> use of.)

> >>  Who discovers this, and how? 
> >
> >As explained above, I (i.e. anybody using
> >the framework) use the deployed URI infrastructure
> >to dereference
> >and I see:
> >
> ><rdfs:Class rdf:ID="UniqueProperty">
> >   <rdfs:label>UniqueProperty</rdfs:label>
> >   <rdfs:comment>
> >     compare with maxCardinality=1; e.g. integer successor:
> >     if P is a UniqueProperty, then if P(x, y) and P(x, z) then y=z.
> >     cf OIL FunctionalProperty.
> >   </rdfs:comment>
> >   <rdfs:subClassOf
> >rdf:resource=""/>
> ></rdfs:Class>
> >
> >The comment there is reasonably clear as a constraint
> >on interpretations, no?
> NO!!! It is not in any way a constraint on interpretations, any more 
> than a comment in a program is code.

How is that not acceptable as a constraint on interpretations, but
stuff like this is?

for ?D an XML Schema datatype, IO(?O) is the singleton set containing
the element of IC(?D) that has lexical representation ?L, provided that
there is one, otherwise IO(?O) = { }

> A comment is a COMMENT, and that 
> is all. YOU can read that and understand it, Dan, because you are a 
> HUMAN BEING WHO UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH. The whole point of the semantic 
> web is to allow SOFTWARE AGENTS to do a little understanding.

Yes, so, I read the comment and write some code.

> When 
> you can write a Perl script that can figure out the content of the 
> English comments, then maybe you can claim that the meaning of the 
> comments is part of the meaning of the formalism. It still wouldn't 
> be part of RDF, but you could call it RDFE .

It seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable part of
the Resource Description Framework. I guess I'm willing
to call it an extension to RDF, if that makes you happy.
But it seems pretty arbitrary, to me.

> >Let's put it this way: does dublin core fit into the framework?
> >Or is RDF+dc an extension? How about a document that
> >uses RDFS, DAML+OIL, and dublin core together? Is that
> >another sort of extension?
> Dan, you cannot possibly be this obtuse. Surely you know the 
> distinction between a language and a set of axioms in that language. 
> DC is a set of assertions in RDF, right?

No; it's a set of terms defined by a community of practice.

There are semantics to the dublin core terms that aren't
written in the RDF specs.

> That means that one can 
> interpret those DC assertions using the RDF semantics and they mean 
> something that approximates to what the DC writers had in mind, 
> roughly. If you do that to DAML, you often *don't * get an 
> approximation of what the writer of the DAML had in mind.

I must be quite obtuse; I don't see any fundamental
difference between partial understanding of DC semantics
and partial understanding of DAML semantics.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 18:20:57 UTC